Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  17th April 2012 4 p.m.  Building 13, Room 3019

General sound radiating-structure: plate or sphere?

Dr Wonjae Choi
Imperial College London

Web page
Luke Goater

Dr Wonjae Choi

Sound radiation from a structure is intensively investigated since Rayleigh. Model structure widely used is a rectangular plate on an infinite baffle. This model is so ubiquitous that some of the key features are perhaps applied more broadly than is strictly justified. Thus, an alternative simple model might be needed to reveal which features are robust and which do not generalize reliably. To address this issue, sound radiation from a spherical shell is compared with the plate radiation. The sphere encloses a finite volume, and consequently it might be a good model system for far-field radiation from structural vibration. On the other hand, the extreme symmetry of the sphere might make it unrepresentative. This problem is less familiar than the baffled plate. Thus, this work aims to fill some gaps and make a systematic comparison of the two systems.

All are welcome to attend.