Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  10th October 2012 4 p.m.  Building 53, Rooom 4025

General purpose GPU computing: Transforming your desktop into a personal super-computer

Dr Thomas Nowotny
University of Sussex

Web page
Complex Systems, CUDA, GPU, GPU-libs
Luke Goater

Dr Nowotny

Driven by the ever-increasing computational demands of the games industry graphical processing units (GPUs) have developed from simple co-processors to powerful computer platforms. Unlike modern CPUs that are still essentially using a sequential model of computing, GPUs are massively parallel with half a thousand cores on a single chip in modern graphics cards. With the introduction of the CUDA (common unified device architecture) application programming interface, NVIDIA, one of the leading GPU manufacturers, has made their GPUs accessible to general purpose computing applications. Given a suitable computational problem and an optimized parallel implementation, modern GPUs can achieve speed-ups of up to 50 to 100 times over a classical CPU core of a recent CPU.

In this talk I will introduce the opportunities and challenges of general purpose GPU computing and illustrate them with the GPU enhanced neuronal network (GeNN) framework we are developing at Sussex. I will argue that building meta-compilers that generate code from a simpler domain-specific problem description is one of the better approaches to GPU programming. GeNN is based on such an approach which offers many decisive advantages:

(i)The system can provide for a large number of potential model elements, (ii) It can optimise for specific model structures and GPU hardware properties at compile time, and (iii) It can be extended more easily than pre-compiled solutions.

The present alpha version of GeNN shows encouraging competitive computing performance and is available under the GPL v2 licenses at