Computational Modelling Group

Conference  11th April 2014 9 a.m.  University of Manchester

EMiT (Emerging Technology Conference)

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Computer Science, Scientific Computing
Jess Jones

Computational hardware is changing rapidly. Two decades ago, all we needed to know was the speed of upcoming hardware, not its form or the state of its software frameworks. This is no longer true with new and novel highly parallel computing architectures that are in a state of constant flux being unveiled all the time.

This flux forces significant questions about re-coding and future proofing existing scientific software. The term Emerging Technology is beginning to be used to describe this continual state of hardware change. Unique in its aims and scope, the EMiT kick-off event on Friday 11 April will bring together international experts to examine how to best take advantage of the changing landscape of computer hardware and overcome research barriers for fields such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), computational mechanics, life sciences, and financial modelling.

While the 2014 EMiT event is free to attend, spaces are limited so it is still necessary to obtain tickets to secure your place.

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