Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  12th March 2015 4 p.m.  B177, 2023 (NGCM Common Room)

Text Editors Workshop

Paul Chambers, Robert Entwistle
University of Southampton

Emacs, Linux, NGCM, Sublime Text, Vim, VirtualBox
Paul Chambers

Sublime Text - a simple and powerful text editor

This workshop will introduce text editors for computer programming and software development, and develop skills in using them efficiently. In particular we will focus on the Sublime Text software, and demonstrate how to write a custom environment for writing Pelican blog entries.

Exercises for the session can be followed here.

A Linux virtual appliance is provided for the session, on which the exercises have been designed and tested. It is highly recommended that participants bring laptops with Oracle VirtualBox installed, and also download the feeg6003_TextEditors.ova appliance from here before the session.

This material is targeted at beginners in text editing software and customisation, and those who wish to learn more about the Sublime Text editor. Sublime Text offers a simple yet powerful alternative to traditional editors.

The demonstration will be given by students of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Computational Modelling. No registration is required.