Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  6th March 2018 3 p.m.  185/3013

Processing Language Introduction

Chris Tacon and James Brooks
University of Southampton

Computer Science, Data Aggregation, Data Management, Data Science, Java, Scientific Computing, Software Engineering, VirtualBox, Visualisation
Christopher Tacon


Hello All,

This workshop aims to provide an introduction to the Processing Language. Processing is a spinoff of the Java language and is focused mainly on creating visualisations, GUIs, animations, art and things of this nature. It is an easy to use language with all of the tools you need built into the included IDE. The worshop will cover: -Background of the language and what it is exactly. -Basics from "Hello World" to creating a still frame cartoon character built up of simple shapes. -Building from this we will look at file IO and create a visualization based off of the "Big Mac Index" -If time permits we will try and make something fairly complex and fun, but we will leave this a secret for now!

Hope to see you there,

Chris and James