Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  22nd September 2010 8 a.m.  Varna, BG

Workshop on industrial design optimisation for fluid flow

Web page
Nicki Lewin

Submission deadline for abstracts - 31 March 2010

The EC-funded research project FlowHead develops adjoint-based optimisation methods for shape and topology optimisation of fluid flow with application to the automotive industry. The focus in FlowHead is on: - development of continuous and discrete adjoint flow solvers for industrial application, - CAD-based, morphing-based and node-based parametrisations, - industrial application of topology optimisation for fluids, - robust design, - industrial application and the integration into the product development process.

The project is organising a mid-term workshop to review the state of the art in industrial design optimisation for fluids.

Topics are - Recent developments, novel approaches, future applications in adjoint-based optimisation, - Industrial application of adjoint-based optimisation in the automotive industry, but also aeronautical, turbomachinery, etc. Application examples, benchmarks, industrial requirements ... - Alternative approaches in goal-based optimisation

Confirmed invited speakers are Prof. R. Loehner (George Mason Univ., Washington): Adjoint design optimisation Prof. U. Naumann (RWTH Aachen): Automating adjoint code development Prof. K. Giannakoglou (NTUA Athens): Computation of second derivatives and their application

The workshop will be held in Varna, BG, 22-24 Sep 2010, on the shores of the Black Sea. A wide range of flights to Varna is available, as the dates are still within the tourist season. Travel and Hotel information will be posted with the second call. Cost of the workshop is 150EUR (tbc) to cover lunches, coffees and a workshop dinner. A limited number of fellowships for students are available.

Oral and poster presentations are invited on the topics above. Please submit a one-page abstract in pdf format by March 31 if you would like to present a paper or a poster. Please direct your queries to the FlowHead project coordinator Dr. J.-D. Mueller,