Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  14th July 2010 1 p.m.  University of Southampton Building 25 Room 3077 (LATEU training room)

ZAPPERS SEMINAR: Ways to Improve Learning with Electronic Voting Systems (EVS)

Dr. Steve Draper
University of Glasgow, Department of Psychology

Web page
e-Research, Education
Petrina Butler

Zapper and Receiver


Learning gains depend not directly on technology, but on what the teacher does with it: the learning design. In this talk some of the EVS-related learning designs I consider most promising are introduced. These frequently span more than one vote, and may span more than one session or day. Another important issue is that it is not enough to pose a question to vote on: what is the presenter then going to do with the votes? All of these issues serve to focus attention on not the planning but the actions of the presenter; and that in turn focuses attention on features of the software that make these dynamic actions easier or harder.

Steve has a huge amount of experience and knowledge about Zappers and is an entertaining, interesting and thought provoking speaker.

Steve Draper is an academic in the Psychology Department at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland. He has done research on HCI (Human Computer Interaction), IR (Information Retrieval), on using technology in learning and teaching and how to evaluate that; but now focuses almost entirely on theory and practice of learning and teaching in HE. His teaching is mainly on education issues in HE, and on positive psychology. More information on Steve is available at his website


1pm to 2pm Presentation by Steve Draper

2pm to 3pm informal discussion opportunity


A buffet lunch will be provided

Who Can Attend

Anyone interested in finding out more about using Zappers to improve learning.

What to do if you want to attend

It would be helpful if you could let us know if you are likely to attend via an email to but you can just turn up on the day.