Computational Modelling Group

Conference  11th April 2011 7 a.m.  University of Bristol

Many-Core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference (MRSC)

Web page
Petrina Butler

The fourth International Many-core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference, MRSC 2011, will be held in Bristol, UK, building on the success of previous MRSC's at Queen's University Belfast, Zuse Institute, Berlin and Caspur, Rome.

MRSC is the premier event in Europe focused on accelerated High-Performance Computing using Many-Core and Reconfigurable computing technologies, such as GPUs and FPGAs.

An exciting range of leaders from the field will talk about current developments in the new computing technologies.

For the first time at MRSC it is planned to publish selected papers from the conference in a journal.

The MRSC 2011 conference addresses itself to researchers and vendors who are actively involved in the development of methods, tools & applications for heterogeneous computing platforms using many-core technologies and hardware accelerators in particular.

The conference is open for presentations from academia, industry and government targeting topics relevant for heterogeneous computing, including, but not limited to:

  • Algorithms and programming models
  • High-level programming environments, languages and tools
  • Applications on hardware accelerators
  • Performance modelling and prediction
  • Communication in multi-accelerators platforms
  • Scaling to use thousands of many-core or reconfigurable processors
  • System environments and scheduling
  • Architectures and system evaluation
  • Standards for heterogeneous computing, many-core systems or FPGAs

Steering Committee

Local Organisers