Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  23rd September 2010 noon  University of Southampton, Bldg 28 (Ship Science) Room 2001

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Recently Proposed SD Oscillator and the Challenges

Professor Qingjie Cao
Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics Research, School of Astronautics, P. R. China

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Complex Systems, Structural dynamics
Petrina Butler

The first FSI Research Group Seminar in the new academic year 2010/11 will be an invited talk on "Nonlinear Dynamics of the Recently Proposed SD Oscillator and the Challenges" by Prof. Qingjie Cao from the Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics Research, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China.


SD (smooth and discontinuous) oscillator/attractor is the recently proposed (2006) archetype nonlinear dynamical system with both smooth and discontinuous nonlinear dynamic behaviours. This archetype oscillator behaves a strong nonlinearity due to the geometry configuration. It is believed that SD oscillator will impact in the fundamental research following the Lorenz attractor (1963) and the Ueda attract (1961 special case of Duffing system) and in the engineering applications. In this talk, the recent advances and challenges in nonlinear dynamics of the system are presented. Both the standard dynamics for the smooth regime and the non-standard discontinuous phenomena: saddle-like singularity and the homoclinic-like orbits as well are analysed.

In addition, the rich complicated nonlinear phenomena of this oscillator are presented which includes single-well, double-well and triple-well dynamics for both smooth and discontinuous stages as well as the smooth transitions, some of which can only be found mathematically in literature. As to the engineering applications, this oscillator can be used in the study of damage mechanism of tower systems, rocket launch pad structures, automobile braking systems, vehicle-bridge dynamics and also the micro-structure of nonlinear crystal modeling etc. Finally, the research potential and challenges of this particular system are discussed concerning theoretical studies in mathematical survey for the oscillator, the structure of the attractor and also potential in modern physics to deal with the photon entanglement by contraction of a nonlinear lattice with SD-crystal.


Professor Qingjie Cao is a Director of the Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics Research in both of the Universities: School of Astronautics in Harbin Institute of Technology and the Department of Mathematics and Physics in Shijiazhuang Railway Institute where he is adjunct professor in China.

He obtained his PhD in nonlinear dynamics in 1991 in Tianjin University in China. His research interests cover many aspects of nonlinear dynamics: theory of bifurcations and chaos; computational methods in nonlinear dynamics and the nonlinear modeling in engineering. He worked in Shandong University (1994-2007) in China, Liverpool University (2000-2003) and Aberdeen University (2004-2007) in UK.

He cooperated with his collaborators in Aberdeen University and proposed the so-called SD oscillator and the attractor in 2006. He visited the University of Southampton from August 1994 to July 1995, supported by Royal Society of London and from August 1999 to January 2000 by National Scholarship of China.

He is currently visiting the University of Southampton on REA Research Exchange with China-Major Award on “Power flow approach for a smooth and discontinuous nonlinear dynamic system to explore vibration energy transition mechanism.”


Sent on behalf of Dr Yeping Xiong

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available