Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  4th November 2010 4 p.m.  University of Southampton, Building 59 (Zepler) Seminar Room 2

Soldier Crab Swarming and Dual Neighborhood System Model

Professor Yukio-Pegio Gunji
Kobe University

Web page
Complex Systems, Optimisation
Petrina Butler

A SENSe Seminar

Science and Engineering of Natural Systems Group, ECS, University of Southampton


Soldier crabs in Japan make a big swarming composed of from hundreds to several thousands individuals. From the observation of soldier crab behavior we constructed a model for swarming, featuring two kinds of neighborhood. Our model can mimic the wondering behavior of swarms, mass effect to crossing the water, and oscillating behavior in a closed container (crab clock). It also explains the scale-free correlation, which recently found in a bird flock. Because our model contains inherent noise that can actively contribute to form a coherent swarm, it can make it possible that coherent swarm mass coexists with critical behavior associated with the power low. Compared with boids, we show that swarms in our model are robust against external perturbation.

Contact: Richard Watson