Seminar 20th December 2010 2 p.m. University of Southampton, Building 2, Room 3043
The Dial-a-Ride Problem and Its Variants
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- Submitter
- Petrina Butler
CORMSIS: Centre for Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems
SORG: Southern Operational Research Group, The OR Society
In the dial-a-ride problem (DARP), the aim is to determine a set of least cost vehicle routes to serve a number of pickup and delivery requests, subject to side constraints. The most common constraints are capacity constraints, time windows, and maximum ride time constraints. The latter constraints specify that no passenger should remain aboard the vehicle more than a preset time.
This presentation surveys some of the work done by our research team over the past eight years. This includes the development of exact and heuristic algorithms, solution strategies for the dynamic DARP in which some of the requests are revealed in real time, a version of the stochastic DARP in which the arrival time of passengers at their origin is uncertain, and a multi-criteria algorithm for a version of the DARP in which the aim is to jointly minimize solution cost and maximize quality of service.
This work was carried out with Gerardo Berbeglia, Jean-François Cordeau, Géraldine Heilporn, Julie Paquette, Marta M.B. Pascoal and Stefan Ropke.
All Welcome
Please contact Dr Tolga Bektas ( for more information on this seminar.