Seminar 17th February 2012 4 p.m. University of Southampton Building 85 (Life Sciences) Room 2209
Challenges in the Simulation of Potentially Complex Systems: A View from Social Science
Dr Edmund Chattoe-Brown
University of Leicester, Sociology
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- Petrina Butler
Complex Systems Simulation Seminar Series (CS^4)
from the Institute for Complex Systems Simulation, the Complexity in Real-World Contexts USRG, and the Computational Modelling Group.
This presentation considers the challenges (institutional, theoretical and practical) in advancing an effective simulation agenda in the social sciences. It considers how system simulation fits into the existing structures of disciplines (sociology, psychology, economics) and methods (statistical analysis, ethnography, experiments). This analysis is conducted using real examples of research describing itself as based on “complexity”, past and present simulation research by the presenter and the use of techniques variously referred to as “agent-based modelling” and “social simulation” which have no necessary commitment to the ideas of complexity.
Available from 3:30pm, lecture starts at 4pm.
Complex Systems Simulation Seminar Series
For the complete CS^4 schedule please click here:
Petrina Butler
Multidisciplinary Research Co-ordinator
University Strategic Research Groups
Research and Innovation Services
02380 593244