Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  23rd May 2012 10 a.m.  Building 54, Lecture Theatre 4A, Highfield Campus

Southampton Initiative in Mathematical Modelling - Data Science

Luke Goater


Southampton Initiative in Mathematical Modelling

Data Science

23 May 10:00-13:30, Mathematics Lecture Theatre 4A

Coffee from 10.00

10.30: “From Data to Decisions: The Power of Information in the Age of the Web of Data” Nigel Shadbolt (ECS)

11.00: “Spatio-Temporal Modelling: Confidentiality and Forecasting” Sujit Sahu & Robin Mitra (S3RI & Maths)

11.25: “Spectral Analysis of Data” Ruben Sanchez (Maths)

11.50: “Risk and Opportunity Management of Huge-Scale Online Communities” Thanos Avramidis (Maths)

12.15: “Mathematics of Data Sets” Jacek Brodzki (Maths)

12.40: Lunch: academic-business networking & posters