Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  25th September 2012 2 p.m.  Building 44, Room 2103

'Complex socio-ecological systems' research theme meeting on 'modelling time-series'

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Complex Systems
Luke Goater

You are warmly invited to attend the SSS 'Complex socio-ecological systems' research theme meeting on 'modelling time-series', organised by Prof John Dearing and Dr James Dyke. The meeting will be held next Tuesday 25th September, 2pm-5pm in the Shackleton Building no 44, room 2103.

Further details can be found below and on the SSS website here

Modelling time-series An informal meeting for those interested in discussing different approaches to modelling time-series ¬ - statistical, monitored, palaeo data. The meeting is prompted by recent research in Geography and Environment where we have applied different techniques to palaeoecological data in order to answer three types of questions:

• Do my data show a critical transition, threshold, tipping point, step change ¬ in other words a statistically significant (phase) shift from one state to another?

• Can my response time series (eg. vegetation change) be explained as a complex response to multiple drivers (e.g. climate and human activity)?

• Can my response time-series be used to forecast the recent future based on the structure of the existing time-series (e.g. moving average, cyclicity)?

All staff and PGRs are welcome to contribute to discussions – expert and non-experts.

Please register for the meeting by contacting the Sustainability Science at Southampton research co-ordinator Alison Simmance: