Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  20th November 2013 2 p.m.  Building 13, Room 3021 - Highfield Campus

Sliding mode observation and control for complex systems

Dr Xinggang Yan
University of Kent

Web page
Complex Systems
Luke Goater

Dr. Xinggang Yan


With the advancement of science and technology, there is an increasing need to control complex systems in changing environments where nonlinearity, time delay, uncertainty and coupling are the main sources of complexity. This talk will present two recent results to show how sliding mode techniques are applied to deal with complex systems, and how to deal with the nonlinear uncertainties existing in the delayed systems. Lyapunov-Razumikhin approach is employed to deal with time delay. A sliding mode observer with simultaneous parameter estimation is given by combining the adaptive control approach. Then decentralised control scheme is proposed to control a class of complex interconnected systems using sliding mode techniques. Simulation results on bioreactor and river pollution systems to show the advantages of the proposed approaches. Finally, future research in the areas will be discussed.

Bio of Speaker:

Dr Xinggang Yan joined the school of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, United Kingdom, as a Lecturer since 2010. He received the Ph.D. degree in control engineering from Northeastern University, P. R. China in 1997. He has joined quite a few research projects funded by the China National Postdoctoral Science Fund, University of Hong Kong, Singapore Ministry of Education, Singapore and the EPSRC of UK. Since 2010, he has projects funded by EPSRC, Royal Academy of Engineering and the University of Kent as a PI, and a project funded by European Regional Development Fund as a Co-I.

He has been invited to give Research Seminars by Supelec, Paris in February, 2012, and National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City in August, 2012. He is the Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Mathematical Problem of Engineering, International Journal of Engineering, and the Journal on Automation and Control Engineering. His research interests include sliding mode control, decentralised control, fault detection and isolation, nonlinear system, time delay system and observer design. In these areas, he has published one book and more than one hundred papers including over 70 refereed journal papers.