Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  4th June 2014 9 a.m.  University of Bristol

Programming the Xeon Phi

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Luke Goater

Programming the Xeon Phi, 4-5 June, University of Bristol

This 2-day course, provided by Intel, will introduce vectorisation and parallel programming techniques for the Intel Xeon Phi processor. Hands-on sessions will be provided for course attendees. Case studies of porting applications to the Phi will also be presented.

The PRACE EURORA prototype in CINECA will be used for this course. The EURORA prototype is a hybrid cluster composed of 64 Intel Sandy Bridge dual socket nodes (1024 cores in total), equipped with 64 Xeon Phi cards and 64 NVIDIA K20 accelerators.

This course is being run as part of the training programme for the ARCHER national supercomputer, in collaboration with EPCC's PRACE Advanced Training Centre. Attendance is free of charge.

For more information and to register see