Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  16th December 2014 9:30 a.m.  Boldrewood Campus B175/1001+1025

Hands-on Introduction to HPC with Archer

David Henty

Web page
ARCHER, Computer Science, HPC, MPI, NGCM, OpenMP, Scientific Computing, Software Engineering, Visualisation
Denis Kramer

This course provides both a general introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) using the UK national HPC service, ARCHER, as the platform for the exercises.

Familiarity with desktop computers is presumed but no programming, Linux or HPC experience is required. Programmers can however gain extra benefit from the course as source code for all the practicals will be provided.


Please register via the Archer webpage. Link at the bottom of the page.


High-performance computing (HPC) is a fundamental technology used in solving scientific problems. Many of the grand challenges of science depend on simulations and models run on HPC facilities to make progress, for example: protein folding, the search for the Higgs boson, and developing nuclear fusion.

The course will run for 2 days. The first day covers the basic concepts underlying the drivers for HPC development, HPC hardware, software, programming models and applications. The second day will provide an opportunity for more practical experience, information on performance and the future of HPC. This foundation will give the you ability to appreciate the relevance of HPC in your field and also equip you with the tools to start making effective use of HPC facilities yourself.

The course is delivered using a mixture of lectures and practical sessions and has a very practical focus. During the practical sessions you will get the chance to use ARCHER with HPC experts on-hand to answer your questions and provide insight.