Computational Modelling Group

Workshop  7th May 2015 4 p.m.  176/2013

Julia: The Language

Jonathon Waters and Joshua Greenhalgh
Uni of Soton

Julia, Multi-core, NGCM, Scientific Computing, VirtualBox
Jonathon Waters

This workshop will be a short introduction to the programming language Julia.

Julia is an in development programming language which aims to combine the high level ease of writing displayed in languages such as Matlab and Python, with the high performance of compiled languages such as C and Fortran, making it ideal for scientific computing.

The course materials can be found in the above webpage and contains a virtual box image which will be used for the workshop. It is recommended that attendees bring laptops and download and install this prior to the workshop as it may take some time.

This workshop will cover:

  • Downloading and installing Julia on your machine.
  • Adding Packages to Julia.
  • Basic language syntax for simple programming.
  • Creating types in Julia.
  • Parallel programming in Julia.
  • Dataframes and sets in Julia.