Seminar 3rd November 2015 11 a.m. 176/2013
Micromagnetic simulations in an experimental nano-magnetism lab: using simulation to interpret and guide experiments
Dr Peter Metaxas
University of Perth, Australia
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- Susanne Ufermann Fangohr
I will discuss a few case studies from my work which demonstrate the critical role which micromagnetic simulations (Finmag, MuMax, OOMMF and SpinPM) can play in experimental studies of nano-magnetism and spintronics. I will focus predominantly on high frequency (0.1-20 GHz) magnetisation dynamics, concentrating on applications ranging from data processing/storage to biosensing and magnetic (nano-)particle detection. Examples will include the use of a normal mode solver to interpret experimental data for nano-localised ferromagnetic resonances ([1] and figure), studies of (high speed) domain wall motion in magnetic tunnel junctions [2] and through periodic pinning potentials [3] as well as results from experimentally-inspired computational work on domain wall resonances [4] and nanoparticle-induced magnetic vortex-core confinement.
[1] Metaxas et al., Applied Physics Letters, 106, 232406 (2015).
[2] Metaxas et al., Scientific Reports, 3, 1829 (2013).
[3] Metaxas et al., Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 073906 (2013).
[4] Metaxas et al., arXiv:1411.4502v2 (2015).
Peter received a joint-badged PhD in Physics in 2009 from the University of Western Australia (UWA) and the Université Paris-Sud 11 (France). His thesis was focussed on using magneto-optical microscopy to evidence universal regimes of magnetic domain wall motion in ultrathin ferromagnetic films. He then spent another 2 years in the Paris region as a post-doc at the Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales working on the fabrication and measurement of nano-scale spintronic domain wall devices. He returned to UWA in late 2012 after spending 6 months at Georgia Tech (USA) studying graphene-based chemical sensors, a research visit funded by an American Australian Association Fellowship. At UWA he is currently studying frequency-based methods for nanoparticle detection with envisioned applications in biosensing. His work ranges from experimental magnetotransport measurements to micromagnetic simulations, the latter often exploiting HPC infrastructure at Perth's Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. He is currently funded by the Australian Research Council (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) and the US Air Force and recently received a UWA Faculty of Science Rising Star Award and a UWA Vice Chancellor's Early Career Investigator Award.