Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  7th December 2015 10 a.m.  176/2013

Is your research software correct?

Mike Croucher
University of Sheffield

Susanne Ufermann Fangohr

Mike Croucher


A 2014 survey of researchers from 15 Russell Group universities (1) found that 92% of academics use research software and 69% said that their research would not be practical without it. The survey also found that 56% of researchers develop their own software and that 21% of these had never received any training in software development. Given this state of affairs, how can we be sure that the software we are using to conduct research gives correct results? This talk will explore some of the issues surrounding the use and development of research software. 1.


Mike Croucher is a Research Software Engineer at the University of Sheffield. Mike has 10+ years experience supporting scientific software, high performance computing and research software engineering at The University of Manchester and, more recently, the University of Sheffield. He specialises in high-level languages such as MATLAB, R, Python and Mathematica but also has significant experience with compiled languages such as C and Fortran and assists researchers in developing faster, more robust, more usable code.