Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  3rd October 2016 6 p.m.  Nuffield Theatre Room 1083 (6/1083)

Snakes on a Boat: Robotic sailing with Python

Sophia Schillai
University of Southampton

Web page
CFD, Computer Vision, Fluid Dynamics, Git, Linux, Marine Renewable Energy, Oceanography, Optimisation, Python, Raspberry Pi, Robotics, ROS, Scientific Computing, Sensor Networks, Sensors, Ship Hydrodynamics, Software Engineering, Transport
Thomas Kluyver

Working on the boat

Sophia led a team from the University of Southampton which recently won the World Robotic Sailing Competition (Micro Sailboat class). Come and hear about how we used Python to make a boat sail itself, including:

  • Why is it so hard to make a robot sail?
  • What happened to us at the World Robotic Sailing Championship (besides winning it)?
  • Who are ROS and Brian?
  • What tools did we combine to make the Black Python sail?