Workshop 27th June 2017 10 a.m. Boldrewood Innovation Campus, 176, University of Southampton SO16 7QF
Jupyter & IPython course
Min Ragan-Kelley, Thomas Kluyver
- Web page
- Submitter
- Alvaro Perez-Diaz
Jupyter and IPython provide tools for interactive and parallel computing that are widely used in scientific computing. We will show some uses of IPython for scientific applications, focusing on exciting recent developments, web-based notebooks with code, graphics, and rich HTML.
Day 1 morning: Core Jupyter and IPython
- Notebook Basics - sdasdas
- IPython - beyond plain python
- Markdown Cells
- Rich Display System
- Beyond Python: the Jupyter architecture with Julia and R
Day 1 afternoon: Working with notebook files
- Converting notebooks to other formats with nbconvert
- Using notebooks in version control, with git and nbdime
- Sharing notebooks online using nbviewer
- Notebooks in continuous integration with nbval
Day 2 morning: Interactive widgets in notebooks
- Using interact() to explore a function
- Creating widgets manually and connecting them to Python functions
- Laying out widgets on the page
- The architecture of interactive widgets
Day 2 afternoon: Parallel computing with IPython
- Overview of the ipyparallel model
- Controller and engines
- Basics of remote execution
- Direct vs task execution
- Integration with MPI codes
- Handling dependencies between tasks
- Performance considerations