Cosmological evolution of supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies
- Started
- 4th January 2009
- Investigators
- Anna Kapinska
Recent articles:
1) `Fundamental parameters of FRII radio galaxies and their impact on groups and clusters' environments' Kapinska A.D., Uttley P. & Kaiser C.R., AN, in press
2) `Fundamental Properties of Fanaroff-Riley II Radio Galaxies via Monte Carlo Simulations'
Kapinska A.D., Uttley P. & Kaiser C.R., MNRAS, 2012, 424, 1028
3) `Birth and Evolution of Radio Galaxies'
Kapinska A.D., Uttley P. & Kaiser C.R., ASPC, 2010, 427, 337
In preparation:
1) `On the FRII Radio Galaxy Impact on the Evolving Universe'
Kapinska A.D. & Uttley P., MNRAS [in preparation]
2) `Low luminosity FRII radio galaxies: do they differ from their powerful cousins?'
Kapinska A.D., Uttley P., Best. P.N. & Maccarone T.J., MNRAS [in preparation]
Physical Systems and Engineering simulation: Astrophysics
Algorithms and computational methods: Monte Carlo
Programming languages and libraries: C, Python
Computational platforms: Iridis, Linux
Transdisciplinary tags: HPC, Scientific Computing