Computational Modelling Group

Iridis student project contest - opportunity to win an iPod touch

The Computational Modelling Group and iSolutions invite PhD students to participate in the Iridis Student Project Contest. We seek the best oral presentation demonstrating how Iridis is exploited to support subject specific research. The Contest will be held as a part of the CMG Annual Meeting and the audience will be a mixture of staff and students from all faculties.

The 10 minute presentation should (i) introduce the research project, (ii) feature the role of the Iridis cluster, and (iii) be aimed at a general audience.

The competition will take place in two stages:

  • A short (two to three paragraphs) written project description should be submitted by 10 January 2011.

  • From all submissions, four finalist will be selected and invited to deliver a 10-minute presentation at the Computational Modelling Group Annual Meeting.

A panel of academics and computing experts will do the short listing and choose a winner to be awarded the Iridis PhD Competition Prize.

How to participate?

Stage 1: Submit written summary

The contest is open to all PhD students in the University of Southampton (including those that have completed their degree in 2010). To enter the contest, students must submit a written project description that includes

  • A title
  • A short summary (two or three sentences)
  • a brief overview of the project and its goals (two to three paragraphs)
  • an image illustrating the research subject with a caption
  • the name of supervisor and other team members if applicable

It would be useful if this summary reflected the objectives listed above, i.e. introduction of topic, explanation of role of computation, and accessibility for non-expert audience.

Submission method

The preferred form of the project description is a project entry on the CMG website (as described in the webpage's manual). You can see a number of other research projects in this alphabetically sorted list (or sorted by topic).

If you would like to take part in the competition but consider your work confidential or prefer not to submit a project to the CMG pages, please enquire about alternative submission methods my emailing

If you have already created such a project page about your work in the past and would like to enter your project as a candidate for the contest, you can simply email the URL (see 'Submission deadline').

Submission deadline

An email to that contains the URL project webpage should be received by noon on Monday, 10th of January 2010. The subject of the email should be "Iridis student project contest".

Stage 2: If shortlisted, prepare talk

If your submission is shortlisted, you will be informed early January and asked to prepare a 10 minute presentation on your research topic. The list of four finalist will be published on the CMG site by 18th of January 2011.

. . . and maybe, just maybe win an iPod touch

The best presentation delivered at the CMG Annual Meeting will be selected by a panel and the presenter will be awarded the Iridis PhD Competition Prize.

Assessment criteria

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Does it allow non-experts to gain insight into research subject
  • Demonstration and importance of Iridis usage in achieving research goals
  • Clarity, organization and visual design of the presentation
  • Presentation skills

The decision of the panel (both for shortlisting and the selection of best presentation on 1st of February 2011) is non-negotiable and final.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact us at

Elena Vataga (iSolutions)
Hans Fangohr (Computational Modelling Group)

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