Conference 7th February 2012 10 a.m. Building 67, Room 1027
CMG Annual Meeting 2012
Prof Mark Nixon
- Submitter
- Hans Fangohr

Public Annual Meeting of the Computational Modelling Group -- networking opportunity, all members and others invited
The annual meeting of the Computational Modelling Group
- 9:30-10:00 Arrival and Coffee
- 10:00 Welcome (Hans Fangohr)
- 10:05 Oz Parchment: Update on e-Infrastructure South
10:10 Invited speaker Prof Mark Nixon on Gait and Soft Biometrics
- 11:00 Chris Cave-Ayland: Hybrid quantum and classical free energy methods in computational drug optimisation
- 11:15 Max Albert: Domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires with edge roughness
11:45 Posters and networking
- 12:00 Finger buffet and lunch
- 13:00 Close
Feel free to bring along existing posters to informally show ongoing and completed work. To secure a poster place, please email with the lead author name and title of your poster.
Attendance and registration
No registration is required -- just come along. Members and non-members of the CMG are similarly invited.
You can see last year's event listing for reference: