Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  16th November 2012 2 p.m.  85/2207

Bioengineering Sciences Seminar: Instability and morphology in growing elastic tissues

Professor Alain Goriely
University of Oxford

Bioinformatics, Biomathematics, Biomechanics, Biomedical, Complex Systems, Developmental Biology, Epigenetics, Materials, Nanoscale Assemblies, Structural biology, Systems biology, Tissue Engineering
Nicholas Evans

Growth is involved in many fundamental biological processes such as morphogenesis, physiological regulation, or pathological disorders.In this talk, I will consider the modeling of elastic growth in elastic materials and investigate its mechanical consequences. We will see that growth affects the geometry of a body by changing typical length scales but also its mechanics by inducing residual stresses. The competition between these two effects can be used to regulate the physical properties of a material during regular physiological conditions. It can also lead to interesting spontaneous instabilities in growing materials that I will illustrate on a number of physical, biological, and physiological systems.

Alain Goriely, Director of OCCAM Professor of Mathematical Modelling