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A step toward establishing minimum requirement for CFD modelling of dispersion from floating roof tanks
Zheng-Tong Xie, Ian Castro (Investigators)
It is of great importance to estimate an emission flux (due to leaking from an oil tank) from near field wake, which requires a better understanding of vortex shedding from the tank, in particularly in how the low frequency motion behaves. Large-eddy simulation approaches embedded in up-to-date CFD package will be used for this purpose. This project has a strong link with Concawe and U Surrey.

Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Computational Modelling
Hans Fangohr, Ian Hawke, Peter Horak (Investigators), Susanne Ufermann Fangohr, Thorsten Wittemeier, Kieran Selvon, Alvaro Perez-Diaz, David Lusher, Ashley Setter, Emanuele Zappia, Hossam Ragheb, Ryan Pepper, Stephen Gow, Jan Kamenik, Paul Chambers, Robert Entwistle, Rory Brown, Joshua Greenhalgh, James Harrison, Jonathon Waters, Ioannis Begleris, Craig Rafter
The £10million Centre for Doctoral Training was launched in November 2013 and is jointly funded by EPSRC, the University of Southampton, and its partners.
The NGCM brings together world-class simulation modelling research activities from across the University of Southampton and hosts a 4-year doctoral training programme that is the first of its kind in the UK.

CFD for urban environments
Zheng-Tong Xie, Ian Castro (Investigators), Venkata Boppana
As part of the NERC’s National Centre for Atmospheric Science, we are continuing on the modeling of wind flows around buildings and through streets, and the consequent dispersion of pollutants and heat transfer.
In collaboration with CD-adapco, one of the ‘big three’ CFD code vendors.

DIPLOS - Dispersion of Localised Releases in a Street Network
Trevor Thomas, Ian Castro (Investigators)
The security threat level from international terrorism, introduced by the UK Security Service, has been classified as either "severe" or "critical" for much of its six-year history, and currently remains as "substantial" (source: MI5 website). Part of the risk posed by terrorist threats involves potential releases of air-borne chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) material into highly populated urbanised areas. Smoke from industrial accidents within or in the vicinity of urban areas also pose risks to health and can cause widespread disruption to businesses, public services and residents. The Buncefield depot fire of 2005 resulted in the evacuation of hundreds of homes and closure of more than 200 schools and public buildings for two days; consequences would have been much more severe if prevailing meteorological conditions had promoted mixing or entrainment of the smoke plume into the urban canopy. In both these scenarios it is crucial to be able to model, quickly and reliably, dispersion from localised sources through an urban street network in the short range, where the threat to human health is greatest. However, this is precisely where current operational models are least reliable because our understanding and ability to model short-range dispersion processes is limited. The contribution that DIPLOS will make is:
1. to fill in the gaps in fundamental knowledge and understanding of key dispersion processes,
2. to enable these processes to be parametrized for use in operational models,
3. to implement them into an operational model, evaluate the improvement and apply the model to a case study in central London
Most of the existing research on urban dispersion has focused on air quality aspects, with sources being extensive and distributed in space. Scientifically, this research is novel in focusing on localized releases within urban areas, and on dispersion processes at short range. Through a combination of fundamental studies using wind tunnel experiments and high resolution supercomputer simulations, extensive data analysis and development of theoretical and numerical models, DIPLOS will contribute to addressing this difficult and important problem from both a scientific research and a practical, operational perspective.

Wind direction effects on urban flows
Zheng-Tong Xie, Ian Castro (Investigators), Jean Claus
Numerical simulations of turbulent air flow are conducted on Iridis to investigate the effects of different wind directions on the flow within and above an urban-like canopy.

Professor, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Professor, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Reader, Optoelectronics Research Centre

Senior Lecturer, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Lecturer, Institute of Sound & Vibration Research (FEE)

Lecturer, Mathematics (FSHS)

Lecturer, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Civil Engineering & the Environment (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Administrative Staff, Research and Innovation Services

Administrative Staff, Civil Engineering & the Environment (FEE)

Alumnus, University of Southampton

Alumnus, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Alumnus, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Alumnus, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

None, None

None, None

None, None