Computational Modelling Group

Supersonic axisymmetric wakes

1st September 2007
31st August 2012
Richard Sandberg

Contours of density gradient showing flow pattern obtained from DNS of supersonic wake.

Ideally, supersonic objects would be fitted with streamlined afterbodies to avoid large drag forces. However, in many applications, such as coasting rockets or missiles, the object presents a blunt base to the flow. A recirculation region forms behind the base of the body that is responsible for a low base pressure, thus causing aerodynamic drag (base drag). Flight tests with projectiles have shown that the base drag may account for up to 35% of the total drag. The current project is focused on investigating the origin and dynamics of large-scale structures in the near wake and to devise efficient flow control measures for base drag reduction. The primary research tool is direct numerical simulation.


Physical Systems and Engineering simulation: CFD

Algorithms and computational methods: FFT, Finite differences

Simulation software: HiPSTAR

Visualisation and data handling software: TecPlot

Software Engineering Tools: CVS, SVN

Programming languages and libraries: Fortran, MPI, OpenMP

Computational platforms: HECToR, Iridis

Transdisciplinary tags: HPC, Scientific Computing