Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  14th September 2017 midnight  Bartlett School of Architecture 22 Gordon Street London WC1H 0QB

The MMM Hub: Accelerating Materials and Molecular Modelling

Web page
Advanced Materials, Complex Systems, HPC, Materials, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Mechanics, Multi-physics, Multi-scale
Ian Hawke

A rapidly expanding field, Materials and Molecular Modelling Science lies at the heart of almost every modern technology, with an enormous impact on the UK economy. The significance of the discipline has recently been recognised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in awarding £4 million to a new national supercomputing centre, the Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub (MMM Hub).

A launching platform for the MMM Hub, this distinct event will bring together researchers, academics, and industry members from across the UK, as well leaders from the international materials community, to discuss the varied research taking place across the new Hub and further afield. With an aim to foster collaborative interdisciplinary research and the cross fertilisation of ideas, the event will offer researchers an opportunity to reach out beyond their immediate local networks and provide the prospect to collaborate with other scientists, academics, support staff in High Performance Computing (HPC), and private industry.

This event is being hosted by the MMM Hub and the Science and Engineering South Consortium (SES) and is open to researchers, support staff, academics and industry members from across the MMM Hub, SES Consortium, and UK (limited places).