
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. It's mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies. It provices an interface to subversion repositories.
For queries about this topic, contact Hans Fangohr.

Advanced modelling for two-phase reacting flow
Edward Richardson (Investigator)
Engine designers want computer programs to help them invent ways to use less fuel and produce less pollution. This research aims to provide an accurate and practical model for the injection and combustion of liquid fuel blends.
Pushing the Envelope of Planetary Formation and Evolution Simulations
Peter Bartram
A full understanding of the formation and the early evolution of the Solar System and extrasolar planetary systems ranks among natural science's grand challenges, and at present, even the dominant processes responsible for generating the observed planetary architecture remain elusive.
Software Sustainability Institute
Simon Hettrick (Investigator)
A national facility for cultivating world-class research through software
Software helps researchers to enhance their research, and improve the speed and accuracy of their results. The Software Sustainability Institute can help you introduce software into your research or improve the software you already use.
The Institute is based at the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton, and draws on a team of experts with a breadth of experience in software development, project and programme management, research facilitation, publicity and community engagement.
We help people build better software, and we work with researchers, developers, funders and infrastructure providers to identify key issues and best practice in scientific software.

Senior Lecturer, Engineering Sciences (FEE)

Lecturer, Institute of Sound & Vibration Research (FEE)

Postgraduate Research Student, Electronics and Computer Science (FPAS)

Postgraduate Research Student, University of Southampton

Postgraduate Research Student, Chemistry (FNES)

Undergraduate Research Student, Biological Sciences (FNES)

Technical Staff, iSolutions

Administrative Staff, Research and Innovation Services

External Member, Mauve Internet Ltd.

None, None