Computational Modelling Group

Seminar  6th May 2011 4 p.m.  University of Southampton, Building 58 (Social Sciences) Room 1007

Simulation and Validation: The Prostate Cell Model

Dr Fiona Polak
University of York

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Agents, Biomedical, Complex Systems, Computer Science, Design, Software Engineering
Petrina Butler

Complex Systems Simulation Seminar Series (CS^4)

from the Institute for Complex Systems Simulation, the Complexity in Real-World Contexts USRG, and the Computational Modelling Group.


Dr Fiona Polack


Scientific research that requires understanding of complex systems works by trial and error and by finding surrogates for study of the living systems. In systems biology, for example, dead-tissue studies stand in for study of living systems, whilst trial and error knock-out experiments gradually narrow down the possible causalities in the system. Individual-level or agent-based simulation offers the prospect of an in silico platform for study of working systems in an observable, controllable and repeatable manner. However, simulations have to be understood and trustworthy.

Over the last 4 years, we have been working on principled approaches to simulation, the EPSRC CoSMoS project and associated case studies, see I will review the CoSMoS work, in the context of a feasibiity study that we are currently working on. In particular, I will focus on the question of validation: when is a simulation suitable as a tool for scientific research? The feasibility study is a collaboration between YCCSA staff ( - the image is of YCCSA's new home) and Yorkshire Cancer Research (; we are developing a simulation of the prostate cell model that is ultimately intended as a tool for the study of hypotheses of prostate cancer development.


Available from 3:30pm, lecture starts at 4pm.

Complex Systems Simulation Seminar Series

For the complete CS^4 schedule please click here:


Petrina Butler

Multidisciplinary Research Co-ordinator

University Strategic Research Groups

Research and Innovation Services

02380 593244