Computational Modelling Group

All Events

This list is rather long. You might prefer to limit your view to upcoming events or past events only.

October 2009

1st October 11 a.m.

CMG Opening Event

7th October 2 p.m.

Using Mac OS X

8th October 4 p.m.

Insight from Visualisation in Combinatorial Optimisation

12th October 9 a.m.

Course on MPI programming

13th October midnight

The Dynamics of Large Cities: Population, Population Densities and Tall Buildings

4 p.m.

USRG Complexity Science Town Meeting

15th October 9 a.m.

Course on GPU programming

3:45 p.m.

Monitoring Historic Events

4 p.m.

Minimum Relative Entropy Approach to Correlation Regularization Problem

16th October 2:15 p.m.

Total variation and curves

20th October 4 p.m.

Dynamic properties of complex adaptive ecosystems: implications for the sustainability of services provision

21st October 1 p.m.

Mathematical Aspects of Micromagnetism

22nd October 4 p.m.

The effects of stochastics on network design

27th October midnight

Complex social systems: prospects and problems

4 p.m.

Mathematical Modelling of Biological Branching Structures

28th October 2 p.m.

Text Mining for Scholarly Communications and Repositories Joint Workshop

4 p.m.

Royal Statistical Society meeting on "Computer Experiments"

November 2009

2nd November noon

Make your work WORK for you now: how to use Twitter to build your research profile and develop your digital presence

3rd November 5:30 p.m.

10th IBM Hursley Lecture

5th November 4 p.m.

Scheduling a soccer league

10th November midnight

Stochastic cycles in biological systems

11th November midnight

Amplified stochastic oscillations

13th November 4 p.m.

Human pseudo-reciprocating force to rotational motion transfer

17th November 4 p.m.

Incorporating Human Behaviour in Healthcare Simulation Models

19th November 4 p.m.

Design and Analysis of Government-Subsidised Collection Systems for Incentive-Dependent Returns

24th November midnight

Information erasure lurking behind measures of complexity

4 p.m.

Modelling interacting objects in High Temperature Superconductors

27th November 11 a.m.

IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecture: Controlling magnetism with light

4 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS seminar - Modified nucleotides in nano-biotechnology

30th November 5:30 p.m.

Lecture: The Emerging Science of the Web

December 2009

7th December 5 p.m.

Termite mound construction - A new multi-pheromone mechanism for royal chamber construction in Macrotermes subhyalinus

8th December midnight

Entropy Rate of Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks

4 p.m.

ICSS Seminar Series: Complexity of the climate system - a challenge for modellers

10th December 4 p.m.

Seminars at SENSe: Artificial Life, Real Worlds: Can ALife help explain the past and the future of life on Earth?

11th December 4 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS Seminar - Non-convexly constrained inverse problems; From mathematics to biomedical imaging

14th December 9 a.m.

Employing MATLAB to foster interdisciplinary cooperation (free Intermediate MathWorks Course for Early Career Researchers)

10:30 a.m.

CORMSIS Seminars: An Iterated Tabu Search Heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problems

15th December 9:15 a.m.

Optoelectronics Research Centre: Photonics Day

10 a.m.

Iridis 3 Early-users feedback meeting

21st December 4 p.m.

CORMSIS Seminars: The Dynamic Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem

January 2010

5th January 4 p.m.

ICSS Seminar Series: Simulating Social Systems

12th January 4 p.m.

ICSS Seminar Series: Accounting for surgical and patient variability in assessing total joint replacements - approaches and challenges

13th January 9 a.m.

PhD Students training event in Computational Methods in Semiconductor Science

4 p.m.

eSI Visitor Seminar: Addressing Complexity in Emerging Cyber-Ecosystems - experiments with autonomic computational science

15th January 9 a.m.

IOP Superconductivity Group Seminar

4 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS seminar - A multifluid approach to heat: From superfluids to nano systems

18th January 4 p.m.

CORMSIS Seminar: Metaheuistics for an Integrated Vehicle Routing and Container Loading Problem

19th January 4 p.m.

CANCELLED: From Quarks and Gluons to Hadrons

21st January 4 p.m.

Embedding quantum mechanical calculations within classical molecular dynamics simulations for metallic systems

26th January 9 a.m.

Parallel Programming with MPI


Southampton Inititive in Mathematical Modelling (SIMM) launch meeting


Where do new proteins come from?

3:30 p.m.

State of the art micromagnetic device simulation

27th January 8 a.m.

SYMBIOSIS Workshop on Bio- and Nano-Engineering

February 2010

1st February 2 p.m.

IAM Seminar: Exploiting User Generated Content to Improve Search

4th February 4 p.m.

The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem

8th February 2:30 p.m.

Iridis3 Supercomputer Launch Event

9th February 3 p.m.

New Features in Marc & Mentat 2010

10th February 1 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS Seminar - Iris Nandhakumar - Metamaterials with a twist

6 p.m.

FREE lecture: From Lodestone to Spintronics and Magnomics

11th February 8 a.m.

Skin deep in modelling: understanding ulcers and blisters

6 p.m.

Southampton Railway Systems Research: Special Lecture - High Capacity and High Speed Travel: A 21st Century Solution

12th February 3 p.m.

Global Technology Outlook: IBM Research?s Vision of the Future for IT

16th February 11 a.m.

Postgrad introduction to Bioinformatics

3:30 p.m.

Quantum Chemical Topology: a route to next generation force fields?

17th February 9:30 a.m.

Tribology for Energy Generation and Efficiency

18th February 3 p.m.

Engine nacelles in crosswind: the inlet vortex

6:30 p.m.

‘Exercising professional judgement in 21st century engineering in the face of climate change’

19th February 3:30 p.m.

Quantum-Opto-Mechanics: quantum-optical control of nano- and micro-mechanical systems

23rd February 1 p.m.

Development of model-based learning in first year mechanics

24th February 1 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS Seminar - Genericity and symmetry: what do you expect?

25th February 9:30 a.m.

Complex Fluid-Fluid Interfaces

10 a.m.

COMSOL Multiphysics Seminar

26th February 4 p.m.


March 2010

2nd March noon

Lessons from nature – how animals avoid the Tragedy of the Commons

3rd March 9 a.m.

Experiment and Theory: making the best of both worlds

1 p.m.

Applied Mathematics Lunchtime Seminars - From ore to high-tech product: mathematical modelling of steel production processes.

2 p.m.

Cluster models for joint analysis of -omic data

4 p.m.

Acoustic Emission in Structural Health Monitoring

4th March 2:15 p.m.

S3RI seminar: Emulation of random output simulators: has experimental design got any role?

4 p.m.

Sampling the ocean with underwater robots; what are the best strategies?

10th March 9 a.m.

OMII Collaborations workshop 2010

1 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS Seminar - Detecing the brain's responses to sound stimulation

11th March 9:45 a.m.

Open source CFD workshop

15th March 10 a.m.

Data-Intensive Research: how should we improve our ability to use data

16th March 3:30 p.m.

Computational Studies of Nanoalloy Clusters

17th March 9 a.m.

Electrophysiology Workshop

2 p.m.

Senses and Perception in Digital Archaeology

4 p.m.

Social dynamics of complex networks

18th March noon

Towards archaeological network analysis: understanding ceramic distributions

4 p.m.

CORMSIS Seminars: AutoSimOA - A Framework for Automated Analysis of Simulation Output

23rd March 11 a.m.

International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum

24th March noon

Climategate - how to avoid it! Help with managing your research data workshop

25th March 10 a.m.

Complexity theory for social scientists

3 p.m.

A Crack in the Code: Why software fails in scientific research, and how to fix it

29th March noon

The 37th IOP Annual Conference on Plasma Physics

April 2010

13th April 10 a.m.

Introduction to STATISTICA Data Miner

14th April 4 p.m.

Subdivision shells for integrated finite element analysis and geometric modelling

21st April 1 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS seminar - Computational-experimental approaches to tissue engineering and amino acid transport in the placenta

2 p.m.

Pervasive Innovation for a Smarter Planet

2:30 p.m.

Thermodynamic Modelling of Energy Systems : Insights and Constraints

22nd April 2 p.m.

Associate Professor Michimasa Uchidate Guest Seminar

6 p.m.

Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance & Uncertainty: The Royal Society Study

26th April 8 a.m.

Web Science Conference 2010

27th April 2:15 p.m.

Biodiversity as a Poverty Trap, Safety Net or Route Out of Poverty?

3:30 p.m.

Protein dynamics and enzyme catalysis: insights from simulations

29th April 2:15 p.m.

Using functional principal component analysis and mixed effect models to analyse spoken language

3:45 p.m.

Sequential MCMC for tracking of dynamically evolving groups and musical audio score estimation

4:30 p.m.

Keeping People Alive: Is Technology the Solution or the Problem?

May 2010

4th May 4 p.m.

Systems Aikido: A Novel Approach to Managing Natural Systems

5th May 1:20 p.m.

Finding infrequent events with MD: crystal nucleation, growth and biomineralisation

2 p.m.

e-Research Course Lecture and Workshop Programme 2010

4:15 p.m.

Application of Multi-Objective Optimisation Methods

6th May 4 p.m.

Research Showcase 2010

12th May 1 p.m.

SYMBIOSIS Seminar - Giant amplification of noise

2 p.m.

Discovering Transcriptional Modules by Bayesian Data Integration

13th May 2:15 p.m.

The design, analysis and practical use of supersaturated experiments

17th May 2 p.m.

A Tutorial on Arc Routing

19th May 5:30 p.m.

Building a Smarter Planet City by City

20th May 9:30 a.m.

Free Course: Using the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB

10:30 a.m.

Complexity and Nonlinear Phenomena in Biological Systems


Center for Adaptive Supercomputing Software

2 p.m.

A Life of Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll (a.k.a. Mountains to Climb)

23rd May 8 a.m.

International Conference "Trends in Spintronics and Nanomagnetism” (TSN-2010)

25th May 3:30 p.m.

Crystal structures from nothing - dense matter from random numbers

27th May 8:30 a.m.

Power Management Technologies Conference

4 p.m.

CORMSIS Seminar: Simultaneously solving seven optimization problems in relative scale

31st May 9 a.m.

Simulation of Multiphysics Multiscale Systems

June 2010

4th June 10:30 a.m.

Ensemble Prediction System for Meteorology

7th June 10 a.m.

Fortran in Physics - Its Legacy and its Future?

15th June 11:30 a.m.

Second Iridis 3 Users' Meeting

16th June 10 a.m.

Overview and Tutorial for COMSOL Multiphysics

20th June 8 a.m.

16th Annual Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modelling and Complexity

21st June 8 a.m.

Empirical Methods in Semiconductor Nano-Structures Design and Modelling (Dublin)

8:30 a.m.

Computing with Spatio-Temporal Dynamics 2010 (CSD10)

23rd June 8 a.m.

Empirical Methods in Semiconductor Nano-Structures Design and Modelling (Manchester)

25th June noon

Iris Biometrics Research

28th June 10 a.m.

Web For All: Web Accessibility Seminar


Climategate: How To Avoid It! The Institutional Data Management Blueprint Project

2 p.m.

Modelling Energy Systems with Ontologies

30th June 9 a.m.

Magnetics in Medicine

2 p.m.

The Cuvier Salon (1810-30): A Vital Inter-Space and Model for 21st-century 'i-zones'

July 2010

1st July 9:30 a.m.

The JISC/CNI Meeting 2010: Managing Data in Difficult Times

5th July 3:30 p.m.

Decomposition and Reformulation Applied to a Temporal Extension of the Knapsack Problem

7th July 3 p.m.

Future needs and challenges in building with composites.

10th July 8 a.m.

22nd Jacob T. Schwartz International School for Scientific Research -- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Biology and Computer Science: Modelling and Computing

11th July 8 a.m.

2010 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'10)

12th July midnight

Uncertainty in Computer Models 2010

8 a.m.


9 a.m.

WORLDCOMP'10: World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing

14th July 1 p.m.

ZAPPERS SEMINAR: Ways to Improve Learning with Electronic Voting Systems (EVS)

4 p.m.

The Importance of Modelling and Understanding Skin Tribology

15th July 8 a.m.

InterFace 2010: Humanities and Technology

16th July 1:45 a.m.

CORMSIS Seminar: Some Topics in Simulation Optimization

22nd July 8 a.m.

5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ICSOFT 2010

11:30 a.m.

Exchange Spring Magnetic Thin Films: The Future Recording Media?

4 p.m.

[dstl] The Impacts on Data Storage and the Factors for Making Informed Decisions

26th July 9 a.m.

Course on CUDA Programming on NVIDIA GPUs

27th July 1 p.m.

Information Management in Large Teams - Algorithms and Applications

28th July 2 p.m.

Introduction to Micromagnetic Modelling using Nmag

August 2010

2nd August 12:05 a.m.

Immunoinformatics and Computational Immunology Workshop (ICIW 2010)

15th August 9 a.m.

Computational Multiphysics Applications

23rd August 9 a.m.


30th August 8 a.m.

CMD23 Condensed Matter Conference (EPS) (Poland)

September 2010

1st September 8 a.m.

IOP Physics Meets Biology (Oxford)

8 a.m.

Operations Research "Mastering Complexity" (Munich)

4 p.m.

The ‘Climategate’ Emails: Controversy and Consequences (Southampton)

3rd September 6 a.m.

SoNet 2010 Social Networks: Computing and Mining (Czech Republic)

5th September 5 p.m.

Nanotechnology for Healthcare: Worldwide Universities Network (WUN Summer School) (Southampton)

6th September 8 a.m.

Parallel Programming with MPI (University of Leeds)

8:30 a.m.

Nanotechnology for Healthcare Showcase (Southampton)

9 a.m.

Introduction to HECToR (Oxford)

7th September 6 a.m.

Debugging, Profiling and Optimising (Oxford)

9 a.m.

GraVisma 2010

8th September 6 a.m.

KES'2010 Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (Cardiff)

9th September 6 a.m.

OpenMP (University of Leeds)

6 a.m.

Multicore (Oxford)

13th September 6 a.m.

ECCS’10 European Conference on Complex Systems (Lisbon)

14th September 8 a.m.

Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Medicine and Biology (Nottingham)

15th September 8 a.m.

IOP Advances in Photovoltaics (London)

9 a.m.

Modelling the Non-Separability of a Very Complex World (Lisbon)

16th September 4 p.m.

CORMSIS Seminar: Necessary Optimality Conditions for Multiobjective Bilevel Program

17th September 8 a.m.

2010 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS'10) and the International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE'10)

9:30 a.m.

Accelerating Life Science Applications on GPUs

18th September 6 a.m.

Fortran 95 (Warwick)

19th September 9 a.m.

IEEE 7th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML2010)

20th September 6 a.m.

Introduction to HECToR (Manchester)

21st September 6 a.m.

Debugging, Profiling and Optimising (Manchester)

22nd September 8 a.m.

Workshop on industrial design optimisation for fluid flow

23rd September noon

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Recently Proposed SD Oscillator and the Challenges

26th September 8 a.m.

The ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Copenhagen)

27th September 8 a.m.

Core Algorithms for High Performance Scientific Computing (Warwick)

30th September 8 a.m.

VPH2010 Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (Brussels)

8 a.m.

Connections in Synthetic Biology (Southampton)

8 a.m.

A Fortran Afternoon: Developing Code for Physics plus C Interoperability

October 2010

1st October 11 a.m.

Good Practice in CFD

4th October noon

International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modelling and Applications to Circuit Design (Tunisia)

7th October 5 p.m.

Modelling a Sustainable World: ASHRAE Annual Lecture 2010

10th October 8 a.m.

Generative Programming and Component Engineering Conference (Netherlands)

11th October 12:30 p.m.

Direct and Indirect Effects: An Unhelpful Distinction? (Bristol)

5:30 p.m.

For Objective Causal Inference, Design Trumps Analysis (Bristol)

12th October 9 a.m.

HECToR User Group Meeting (HUG) / XT6 Workshop

18th October 8 a.m.

Fortrain 95 [HECToR UK National Supercomputing Service]

20th October 10 a.m.

Modelling in Physics: Getting Our Students to Think Like Physicists

2 p.m.

A Short History of Biometrics in the Media

21st October 4 p.m.

DMS - Direct Multisearch for Multiobjective Optimization

22nd October 10:30 a.m.

Complexity & Statistics: Tipping Points & Crashes

27th October 8 a.m.

Heterogeneous-Data Mining and KDD in Support of Earth Observation (KKDEO 2010) (Spain)

1 p.m.

The Structure of Spike Trains: A Signal Processor Looks at Auditory Neurons

28th October 4 p.m.

Statistics at Google Scale

4:20 p.m.

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference Live Stream

November 2010

1st November 5 p.m.

Responses of marine biodiversity and ecosystems to climate change: combining long term observations, experiments and modelling to enable better prediction

4th November 8 a.m.

Open Source CFD International Conference 2010

9 a.m.

Computational Frontiers in Scientific Discovery

4 p.m.

Soldier Crab Swarming and Dual Neighborhood System Model

5th November 2 p.m.

F# in Education Workshop (Simulcast from Cambridge, MA, USA)

8th November 10 a.m.

A Gentle Introduction to Kriging

13th November 8 a.m.

SC10: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

17th November 9 a.m.

Labview Technical Seminars

18th November 8:45 a.m.

Next Generation Sequencing: A One Day Symposium

22nd November 10 a.m.

The Open Data Revolution and the Web of Linked Data

24th November 10:30 a.m.

Experimental Techniques in Semiconductor Research

1 p.m.

Low-Rank Approximation and Its Applications

25th November 4 p.m.

Practical experiences from credit scoring projects for Chilean micro-entrepreneurs

4 p.m.

Chemotaxis and the sensing of molecular gradients as Bayesian inference

December 2010

6th December 5 p.m.

Are brains engineered to be efficient and does it help to know?

8th December 2 p.m.

Model order reduction or how to make everything as simple as possible but not simpler

10th December noon

RNASeq applications in genomic research

14th December 10 a.m.

Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP2010)

16th December 4 p.m.

Robust covariance estimation using mathematical programming

17th December 9 a.m.

TAG 2010 Theoretical Archaeology Group, Bristol

20th December 2 p.m.

The Dial-a-Ride Problem and Its Variants

January 2011

3rd January 8 a.m.

NANOMETA 2011 (Nanophotonics and Metamaterials) (Austria)

6th January 10 a.m.

Diversity and the Evolution of Cooperation in Structured Populations

11th January 10 a.m.

How can complexity science address Earth system challenges?

10:45 a.m.

Noise regulation versus deterministic control in cell biology

12th January 4 p.m.

"An Investigation into Separation Enhancement Methods for Miniaturised Planar Capillary Electrophoresis Devices" and "Finite Modelling of Creep/Relaxation of UHMWPE"

13th January 4 p.m.

How useful is the deterministic solution?

14th January 3:30 p.m.

POSTPONED TO FEB 11: Mapping ecosystem services across space and time in a world of (very!) imperfect data

20th January 9:45 a.m.

Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics

21st January 10 a.m.

Acoustic Characterisation of the Hydraulic Flows and Boundary Conditions in Pipes and Open Channels

26th January 1 p.m.

Scaling in Complex Systems

31st January 11 a.m.

Multidisciplinary Research Lecture: Adventures Beyond the Comfort Zone

February 2011

1st February 10 a.m.

CMG Annual Meeting 2011

10:20 a.m.

Computational Modelling in the Real World: Online Grocery Delivery – How Hard Can That Be?!

2 p.m.

Computational Modelling Speed Dating

2nd February 2 p.m.

Complex Systems Simulation Doctoral Training Centre: Open Day Event

4th February 11 a.m.

Location, Location, Complexification: Spatial Constraints Scaffold Complex Swarm-Built Architectures

3 p.m.

Shock Waves in Medicine

8th February noon

Modelling mammalian movements in fragmented landscapes: exploring and integrating least-cost models and agent-based simulations

10th February 6 p.m.

UK Government Policy on Energy and Climate Change

11th February 3:30 p.m.

Biomolecular studies from linear-scaling density functional theory calculations with thousands of atoms

16th February 3 p.m.

How to author content of CMG site

5 p.m.

How water behaves when it’s cold and up against it (it = metals and oxides)

18th February 3:30 p.m.

Mapping ecosystem services across space and time in a world of (very!) imperfect data

21st February 11 a.m.

Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics of Pendulums for Energy Extraction

3 p.m.

Block-Structured Cartesian Mesh CFD Solver for Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Computations

25th February 11 a.m.

Status and Challenges of Simulation and Computation for Accelerators

March 2011

2nd March 2 p.m.

Computational Coordination Chemistry

5:30 p.m.

Landsberg Mathematics Colloquium: Seeking Computational Ultimates

4th March 4 p.m.

Measuring Long Term Mean and Extreme Sea Level Rise

7th March 2 p.m.

Free energy surfaces of proteins: folding, dynamics and mechanics

8th March 11 a.m.

Modelling Extreme Ocean Waves, with Implications for Wave-Structure and Wave-Vessel Interactions

9th March 1 p.m.

Conic programming formulations of some engineering problems

5 p.m.

Overcoming the Principle of Disjunction: A Complexity Theory View

10th March 6 p.m.

High Performance Computing: A Talk from Credit Suisse

11th March 1 p.m.

Plant Root X-Ray CT Scanning and Image Analysis

15th March 9:30 a.m.

European Bioinformatics Institute Open Day

2 p.m.

Biotronics 3D: Visit from Imaging CEO

4 p.m.

Challenges in integrating fluid-flow, geomechanics and seismic modelling for reservoir characterisation

16th March 9 a.m.

Introduction to CUDA and GPU Computing

9 a.m.

Pharma IQ's 2nd Annual Next Generation DNA Sequencing Conference

9 a.m.

Computer Simulations in Bioengineering

17th March 10:30 a.m.

Modeling transition metal and actinide chemistry with multiconfigurational quantum chemical methods

4 p.m.

Computational Service Economies: Design and Applications

18th March 9:30 a.m.

Nanoscope EPSRC Basic Technology Project Open Day

4 p.m.

Social Networks and Collective Motion in Animals

22nd March 4 p.m.

Computational biochemistry: understanding biomolecular mechanisms by modelling

29th March 8 a.m.

DEISA/PRACE Spring School: Tools and Techniques for Extreme Scalability

31st March 3 p.m.

Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Research Showcase

4 p.m.

CANCELLED: Third Sector Gaming: Digital Economy USRG Welcomes John Ribbins of Roll7

April 2011

1st April 4 p.m.

The Origin and Evolution of Chemical Engines

5th April 11 a.m.

Third Iridis 3 Users' Meeting

6th April 9 a.m.

Transitioning to the Cray XE6: HECToR CSE Course (Manchester)

10 a.m.

Vibration Serviceability and Control of Civil Structures

4 p.m.

Physical aspects of collective cell migration

7th April 9 a.m.

Co-Array Fortran: HECToR CSE Course (Manchester)

4 p.m.

High-order numerical methods for wave-structure interaction

8th April 3:30 p.m.

Modulation of crystal nucleation: Insights from molecular simulation

11th April 7 a.m.

Many-Core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference (MRSC)

13th April 9 a.m.

Transitioning to the Cray XE6: HECToR CSE Course (Oxford)

1 p.m.

Molecular mechanisms of friction and wear of polymers on solid surfaces

14th April 9 a.m.

Co-Array Fortran: HECToR CSE Course (Oxford)

15th April 4 p.m.

Complex socio-ecological systems: Bridging the gap between theory and reality

May 2011

3rd May 5:30 p.m.

Sustainability, Infrastructure and Policy - An Opportunity and a Challenge

4th May 1 p.m.

The PhaseChip: Manipulating Phase Diagrams with Microfluidics

1 p.m.

Spatial and Temporal Models of Jomon Settlement

6th May 8 a.m.

CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (Netherlands)

4 p.m.

Simulation and Validation: The Prostate Cell Model

7th May 9 a.m.

Multiscale Modeling, Advanced Discretization Techniques, and Simulation of Wave Propagation

10th May 2 p.m.

Squeezing the Matrix: polynomially scaling spin dynamics simulation algorithms

12th May noon

Exome Sequencing in Mendelian Disorders

13th May 3:30 p.m.

Molecular modeling - now fun and colorful!

17th May noon

Mathematical Models for Transport in Blood Vessel Networks

18th May 8 a.m.

Using GPUs for Vision

20th May 3:30 p.m.

What is Wrong with Density Functional Theory?

23rd May 9 a.m.

An Introduction to CUDA Programming (Oxford)

25th May 9 a.m.

An Introduction to OpenCL Programming (Oxford)


Mathematical Modelling of Energy Systems


Digital Economy USRG Lunch: Progress with Open Data

2:30 p.m.

"Microelectronics and MEMs" & "Opto/Photo" Double Seminar

26th May noon

Waves and Finite Elements

27th May 4 p.m.

Artificial Evolution Meets Metagenomics: Rethinking Evaluation and Selection

June 2011

1st June 4 p.m.

Mapping time?specific population distributions: making census data 24/7

3rd June 4 p.m.

Modelling coevolution of bacteria and bacteriophage in marine microbial ecosystems

5th June 8:30 a.m.

Introduction to Optimization Methods and Tools for Multidisciplinary Design in Turbomachiney

10th June 4 p.m.

Modelling Complexity, Evolution and Innovation

13th June 8 a.m.

Complexity of evolutionary processes in biology and the behavioural sciences

15th June 3:30 p.m.

"In-Vivo Imaging of Plant Roots" and "MEMS Development for Advanced Applications-Substitute for Polysilicon as MEMS Structural Material" and "Materials Data Centre"

17th June 4 p.m.

Using Emulators to Estimate Uncertainty in Complex Models

20th June noon

Digital Economy USRG Lunch: JISC Funded Projects at Southampton

21st June 8 a.m.

Computational Modelling '11 Cornwall

23rd June 4 p.m.

Thermodynamics, information, complexity: A conceptual triple point for understanding the evolution of the Earth system THURSDAY INSTEAD OF FRIDAY THIS WEEK

29th June 4 p.m.

GPU computing from Python - PyOpenCL

30th June noon

Visualization of Sound Field with Application

July 2011

6th July 4 p.m.

A Crystal Plasticity Study of Constitutive Behaviour, Crack-Tip Deformation and Oxygen Diffusion for a Polycrystalline Nickel-Based Superalloy

11th July 8 a.m.

Oxford Summer Projects in Computational Biology

2 p.m.

Wave localization in elastic structures and solids

15th July 4 p.m.

Early warning of climate tipping points

20th July 2 p.m.

Music perception assessment and rehabilitation for cochlear implant users: an interactive afternoon

21st July 1 p.m.

Planning Lunch for the The All Hands Meeting of the Digital Economy

25th July 9 a.m.

CUDA Programming on NVIDIA GPUs

26th July 8 a.m.

Biomed 2011: 9th International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and Biology

August 2011

4th August 4 p.m.

SCCS '11 Winchester: Student Conference on Complexity Sciences

7th August 8 a.m.

HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences: EU/US Summer School

September 2011

5th September 8 a.m.

European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (Southampton)

12th September 8 a.m.

ECSS'11 Vienna: European Conference on Complex Systems

9 a.m.

Combinatorial Optimization

16th September 2 p.m.

Molecular simulations of proteins undergoing fibrillation in neurodegenerative diseases

4 p.m.

Collective Decision Making in Immune-Inspired Ensembles: An Affective Study

19th September 9 a.m.

NAG Fortran 95 Course in Southampton

23rd September 2 p.m.

New Developments in Semiempirical MO Theory for Drug and Materials Design. (MGMS Lecture Tour Seminar)

25th September 8 a.m.

EMBO Practical Course: Protein Bioinformatics Tools - Focus on Regulatory Proteins: Sequences, Structures, Interactions, Networks

26th September noon

IT Innovation Seminar with Digital Economy USRG

6 p.m.

Reaching Out of the Paperdigm

October 2011

9th October 9 a.m.

CSSSA 2011: Annual Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of America

11th October 2 p.m.

Visualising molecular cell biology: theoretical and experimental approaches with some nano solutions

14th October 1 p.m.

Microvascular Buckling Due to Tissue Growth

4 p.m.

Amplified Stochastic Cycles

19th October 4:15 p.m.

Biofluiddynamics of flight as an inspiration for design

21st October 9:30 a.m.

Open source CFD software workshop

4 p.m.

Complex Systems Simulation as a Scientific Instrument

22nd October noon

14th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium

24th October 5 p.m.

A network medicine approach to complex diseases

28th October 11 a.m.

Free online conference on systems biology

4 p.m.

Measuring Consciousness: Causal Density and Integrated Information

November 2011

4th November 4 p.m.

An evolutionary advantage for extravagant honesty

11th November 1 p.m.

Spatial patterning of regulatory proteins in live Caulobacter crescentus using multicolour super-resolution imaging, now in 3D!

4 p.m.

Why is it so difficult to simulate climate accurately?

14th November 7:30 a.m.

Oxford Global Conferences, 3rd Annual Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Congress

15th November 9 a.m.

The All Hands Meeting of the Digital Economy


An agent-based model of jaguar movement through conservation corridors

16th November 5 p.m.

[IEEE] Semantic Data Fusion in Biometrics: Augmenting Recognition Capability using Human Descriptions

18th November 4 p.m.

Simulating the Human Brain - Interactive Supercomputing

21st November 2 p.m.

Postgraduate Probability Course

22nd November 10 a.m.

Modelling the Solid State: From oxygen storage capacity to transparent semiconductors

23rd November 2 p.m.

Postgraduate Probability Course

25th November 2 p.m.

Postgraduate Probability Course

28th November 2 p.m.

Postgraduate Probability Course

29th November 2 p.m.

NGS: Genomics and Transcriptomics

4 p.m.

[IEEE] High Voltage Lab Tour

30th November 1 p.m.

Overcoming frustration with local elevation: enhancing the sampling in biomolecular simulations biased with experimental data

2 p.m.

Postgraduate Probability Course

December 2011

1st December 5 p.m.

Jeopardy! The IBM Challenge

2nd December noon

Sloshing Dynamics and Numerical Modelling

2 p.m.

Postgraduate Probability Course

4 p.m.

Simple Cell, Complex Envelope: Modelling The Heterogeneous Membranes Of E. Coli

6th December 4 p.m.

Ultrasonic fields for cell manipulation, ISVR Engineering Series Seminar

6 p.m.

Predicting Uncertainty in Weather and Climate Forecasts

7th December 2 p.m.

'Multi-scale mechanics and mechano-adaptation in bone'

13th December 2 p.m.

Analyzing biomacromolecular flexibility by constraint counting

19th December 4:15 p.m.

Formulation of a risk-averse system optimal dynamic traffic assignment model

January 2012

13th January 1 p.m.

Mathematical modelling of flow in curved compliant arteries

25th January 2 p.m.

A Search for Invariant Relative Satellite Motion

26th January 1 p.m.

High Throughput Genomics Seminar

February 2012

1st February 4:15 p.m.

The AFM Quadrocopter

7th February 10 a.m.

CMG Annual Meeting 2012

10 a.m.

Gait and Soft Biometrics

8th February 2 p.m.

OpenFOAM Southampton User Group Meeting

4:15 p.m.

CFD modelling techniques for manyparticle multiphase flows

9th February 1 p.m.

ICSS 2012 Open Day

14th February 4 p.m.

Toys on our Desktops: Mathematica

15th February 4:15 p.m.

The experimentalist's guide towards galactic Reynolds numbers

17th February 11 a.m.

Pushing the Multiphysics Analysis Boundaries in Bioengineering

4 p.m.

Challenges in the Simulation of Potentially Complex Systems: A View from Social Science

20th February noon

Fracture resistance of lightweight materials for transport: In–situ laminography and 3D crack path simulations

21st February 4 p.m.

Toys on our Desktops: Mendeley and Panopto

22nd February 2 p.m.

Ultrasonic Particle Manipulation

4:15 p.m.

Form Drag, the Ugly Sister

23rd February noon

Factors Involved in Performance Enhancement for Elite Swimming

27th February 5 p.m.

Electric Vehicles - Charging Ahead

28th February 4 p.m.

Noise in Schools - Effects on Pupils and Teachers

29th February 4:15 p.m.

Direct simulation of localised turbulent entrainment across a density interface

4:30 p.m.

Wireless Myths, Realities and Futures

March 2012

1st March 4 p.m.

Effects of sound on marine mammals

3rd March 8 a.m.

Fifth Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU5)

5th March 4 p.m.

Cardiovascular Biomechanics

6th March 4 p.m.

Ambisonics Old and New

7th March 3 p.m.


4:15 p.m.

Achieving higher performance turbomachines for land-based power and aviation

8th March noon

Strength assessment of damaged ship structures

13th March 4 p.m.

Affective Response to Noise from Wind Turbines

14th March 4 p.m.

CFD at McLaren Racing

15th March noon

Inverse Eigenstructure Assignment

16th March 2 p.m.

Theory and Simulation of Biomolecular Systems: Surmounting the Challenge of Bridging the Scales

21st March 10:30 a.m.

Bayesian Workshop

23rd March 4 p.m.

The Effect of Charge on Boundary Layer Lubrication

24th March 9 a.m.

The Connected Past: people, networks and complexity in archaeology and history

26th March 9 a.m.

The Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2012

2 p.m.

Unmanned Vehicles:From Automatic Control to Autonomous Control

4 p.m.

Transportation Research Group

28th March 2 p.m.

The Evolution of Cooperation in Business

29th March noon

Proposal for Ballast-freeing Ship and Studies of its Performance

April 2012

2nd April 9 a.m.

Faraday Discussion in Tribology

4th April 3 p.m.

Visualising Complexity

13th April 4 p.m.

First-principles vibrational spectroscopy and lattice dynamics of materials in the solid state

17th April 4 p.m.

General sound radiating-structure: plate or sphere?

18th April 4:15 p.m.

Universal aspects of small-scale motions in turbulence

19th April 1 p.m.

Feedback and embryonic stem cell fate commitment

24th April 9 a.m.

Message Passing Programming with MPI

25th April 4:15 p.m.

Direct numerical simulations of roughness receptvity and transitional shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions

26th April 9 a.m.

2nd Next Generation Sequencing Symposium

27th April 2 p.m.

Computational challenges in wavefunction-based electronic structure theory

3 p.m.

Computational biofilm research

30th April 4:15 p.m.

Structure-Based Drug Design

May 2012

2nd May 4 p.m.

IfLS Seminar Series: Programming Cells

4 p.m.

The Advent of Tribotronics

4:15 p.m.

The stability of the liquid lining in fluid-conveying curved tubes

8th May 9 a.m.

Exploring Human Host-Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease


Dynamic Causal Modelling for M/EEG

11th May 4 p.m.

Defining Hydrogen Bonds to Determine the Structure and Dynamics of Water

16th May 2 p.m.

Numerical Simulation of the Complex Flow through Rim Driven Thrusters

4 p.m.

Climate change: what sorts of knowledge for what sort of politics?

4:15 p.m.

Control of Low Reynolds Number Flows with Fluid-Structure Interactions

22nd May 10 a.m.

Linking on-farm change to catchment response using dynamic simulation modelling: assessing the impacts of farm-scale land management change on catchment-scale water quality

23rd May 10 a.m.

Data Science

10 a.m.

Southampton Initiative in Mathematical Modelling - Data Science

24th May 3 p.m.

Solutions for a sustainable and desirable future

June 2012

1st June 4 p.m.

Simulations of conformational dynamics along the p53-mdm2 pathway

10th June noon

CNRS Summer school "feedbacks in environmental systems" (climate-ecosystems-oceans)

13th June 4 p.m.

nCATS Seminar

15th June 10 a.m.

Fortran Expo

22nd June 12:30 p.m.

Imaging and the Human Connectome Project: connections in the human brain

26th June 1 p.m.

IOP South Central Branch tour of the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR)

27th June 2 p.m.

Acellular Injection Therapies for Myocardial Infarction: The Effects of Injectate Distribution at Various Stages of Adverse Ventricular Remodelling – An Update

July 2012

12th July 10 a.m.

Quantitative Biology

10 a.m.

Finite temperature micromagnetics and spin torque transfer

13th July 10 a.m.

Introduction to the KNIT package

23rd July 9 a.m.

CUDA Programming on GPUs

August 2012

2nd August 3 p.m.

Stochastic Model Updating

10th August 2 p.m.

Molecular simulation approaches to immunological recognition and regulation

13th August noon

SeIUCCR Summer School 2012 - Using e-infrastructure for research

28th August 9 a.m.

GPU Programming Workshop

September 2012

3rd September 9 a.m.

ECCS '12 European Conference on Complex Systems

9 a.m.

Physics meets Biology

4th September 2 p.m.

Into the Looking Glass and What the Quantum Chemist Found There

10th September 9 a.m.

ESSA 2012 – 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association

9 a.m.

Autumn Academy

14th September 1 p.m.

Challenges for technology transfer from industry to academia

20th September 11:15 a.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Seminar

21st September 2 p.m.

11th Bioengineering Sciences Seminar: Cells, cell sheets and insect embryos: modelling the role of mechanics in tissue development

2:30 p.m.

Rapid Prototyping of Real Time Control Systems: Achieving a lot with very little

24th September 9 a.m.

CUDA Fortran and OpenAcc GPU Development Workshop

9 a.m.

Complexity Science and Social Science At the Interface to the Real World

9 a.m.

Core Algorithms for High Performance Scientific Computing

25th September 9 a.m.

NAG Multicore Course

2 p.m.

'Complex socio-ecological systems' research theme meeting on 'modelling time-series'

26th September 9 a.m.

Parallel I/O Course

October 2012

3rd October 9 a.m.

[HECToR] CECAM ScalaLife Workshop

4 p.m.

Patterns in the sand

4:15 p.m.

Fluid-structure interactions of compliant wings

9th October 9 a.m.

First Workshop on Maintainable Software Practices in e-Science | Software Sustainability Institute

9 a.m.

OpenMP Course


Cavity Optomechanics

4 p.m.

Affective response to noise from wind turbines

10th October 2 p.m.


4 p.m.

General purpose GPU computing: Transforming your desktop into a personal super-computer

4:15 p.m.

Wavepackets as sound-source mechanisms in subsonic jets

16th October noon

Geometry, modes and control of light in nanoparticles

17th October 4:15 p.m.

Hypersonic research and flight testing in Australia

18th October 4 p.m.

Innovative Genius of Computed Tomography

6:30 p.m.

Raspberry Pi IET event

20th October midnight

IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Competition

22nd October 9 a.m.

An Introduction to CUDA Programming

3 p.m.

US Army TARDEC Ground Vehicle Mobility: Dynamics Modeling, Simulation, & Research

23rd October 9 a.m.

Parallel Programming with MPI course


Title to be confirmed

4 p.m.

Distributed acoustic sensing via fibre optic cables

24th October 9 a.m.

An Introduction to OpenCL Programming

2 p.m.

Multi-Atlas Based Segmentation for Cardiac MR Images

4 p.m.

CS4: Complexity Systems Simulation Seminar Series

4:15 p.m.

Entrainment in turbulent jets with off-source heating

5 p.m.

Language evolution: the syntax rubicon is a mirage

6:30 p.m.

The Challenge of Flying Vertically

25th October 11 a.m.

Automated condition monitoring of gear drives: limitations and advances

2 p.m.

Third OpenFOAM workshop, Southampton

30th October noon

Phase transitions in solids: from atomistic waves to a continuum picture.

31st October 4:15 p.m.

Numerical investigation of a jet from a blunt body opposing a supersonic flow

November 2012

5th November 9 a.m.

Fortran 95 Course

6th November noon

Hybrid Modelling of Reaction, Diffusion and Taxis Processes in Biology

7th November 4 p.m.

Informational Principles in the Perception-Action Loop

4:15 p.m.


8th November midnight

PRIB Pattern Recognition in Biology 2012

12th November 4 p.m.

Modelling the Space Debris Environment.

13th November noon

Equation of state of the unitary gas: turning the sign problem into a sign blessing

4 p.m.

Electromagnetic Acoustic Transduction

14th November 4:15 p.m.

Turbulence in unsteady channel flows

16th November 2 p.m.

Bioengineering Sciences Seminar: Instability and morphology in growing elastic tissues

19th November 2 p.m.

Some new classes of kernels for Gaussian Process modelling

20th November noon

Highly polarized limit of the quasi-2D Fermi gas

21st November 4 p.m.

CS4: Complex Systems Simulation Seminar Series: Individuals versus Groups in Evolutionary Biology

4:15 p.m.


27th November noon

CANCELLED - John King Seminar

4 p.m.

Proelastic Trailing Edge Noise and the Silent Flight of Owls

28th November 4:15 p.m.

LES and hybrid RANS-LES for turbomachinery aerodynamics and noise

30th November 9 a.m.

Young Modellers Forum 2012: Call for Registrations and Abstracts

2 p.m.

Mechanobiology applied to study chronic wounds

December 2012

4th December noon

Multiscale modelling of biological branching structures

4 p.m.

Computational acoustics and large scale sound synthesis on GPUs

5th December 4 p.m.

CS4: Complex Systems Simulation Seminar : Language structure is a trade-off between compression and expression

4:15 p.m.

Two-point velocity correlations: very difficult to compute but nice to derive turbulent scaling laws

9th December 9 a.m.

Hertie Winter School: calling for student applications

10th December 9 a.m.

Fortran 95 Course

11th December noon

Meso-scale structure and dynamics in biological networks


Mathematical approaches to network dynamics

12th December 4:15 p.m.

Modelling for robust feedback control of fluid flows

14th December 2 p.m.

Modelling phosphorus dynamics in the soil plant system

19th December 2:30 p.m.

Optimal design in nonlinear mixed effects models with application in pharmacokinetics

January 2013

9th January 4:15 p.m.

Fundamental aspects of active flow control applied to sustainable energy

15th January noon

Second-grade nematic fluids and Nematoacoustics

16th January 11 a.m.

Biomechanical 3D imaging on a cellular scale for bone quality assessment and modeling of bone function

4 p.m.

Chaos and noise in game theory and evolutionary dynamics

24th January 1 p.m.

Hearing and Balance Research Seminar: High-frequency Transient evoked OAEs

30th January 2:30 p.m.

Towards improved models for frictional contact

3 p.m.

Complexity Systems Simulation Seminar Series (CS^4) - The Hitchhikers Guide to Complexity

February 2013

5th February noon

Diffusion of finite-size particles: multiple species and confined geometries

6th February 4 p.m.

The effects of wavy leading edges on aerofoiL-turbulence interaction noise

12th February noon

Spectral clustering of power transmission networks

2 p.m.

Ion thruster development for the Bepi Colombo Mission

13th February 4 p.m.

Iterative learning control: industrial and flow control application

4 p.m.

Simplicity in Practice: The Failure of Social Modelling

19th February noon

Upscaled phase-field models for interfacial dynamics in strongly heterogeneous domains

20th February 4 p.m.

Amplitude and frequency modulation in high Reynolds-number wall-turbulence

22nd February noon

Computer simulation of evolution over palaeontological timescales: a new approach

1 p.m.

Crop Systems Engineering Seminar: "Imaging Root Growth and the Root: Soil Interface

26th February 11 a.m.

Vibration from underground trains: development of a prediction tool and the associated research

11:30 a.m.

'Wave your WANDS and make wishes come true --- Using 2.5D FE-BE model to investigate Railway induced vibration

March 2013

5th March noon

Intracellular signalling cascades and understanding the cellular response - A mathematical approach

6th March 2 p.m.

Cutting in real-time in corrotational elasticity and perspectives on simulating cuts

4 p.m.

Utter exasperation: reflections of the physic-numerics of compressible reacting flows

4 p.m.

Morphogenetic Engineering: the Two-Way Bridges Between Biomodelling, Bioinspired Engineering, and Bioengineering

7th March 2:15 p.m.

Development, Emulation and Analysis of Complex Computer Simulations with Real World Application

3:45 p.m.

Sequential design of computer experiments

8th March 4 p.m.

The End of Atomistic Simulation?

12th March noon

The mechanics of a chain of magnets

13th March 4 p.m.

Passive control of the flow around a 3D bluff body

4 p.m.

Does quality matter? Rational agent behaviour in complex 21st century systems

15th March 2 p.m.

Improving the representation of cognitive agents in agent-based

21st March 9 a.m.

Software Sustainability Collaborations Workshop 2013

10 a.m.

GaianDB: Easily accessing all your distributed research data

22nd March 10 a.m.

3rd Annual meeting of Computational Modelling Group

10 a.m.

Human-Agent Collectives: From Foundations to Applications

2 p.m.

Version control for complete beginners, using Git

25th March 9 a.m.

European School on Magnetism

27th March 9 a.m.

Stochastic and statistical models at the interface of modern industry and the mathematical sciences

April 2013

9th April 9 a.m.

Exascale Applications & Software Conference

10th April 2 p.m.

Causes and consequences of age-related tissue stiffening

16th April noon

Nonlinear Waves and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Superfluids

4 p.m.

S3RI Special Seminar: Wildfires in South Africa; Cherry Trees in Japan

4 p.m.

'Forward and Inverse Methods using Spherical Measurement Arrays' - ISVR Engineering Research Seminar

17th April 4 p.m.

The economics of sustainability

19th April 1 p.m.

Crop Systems Engineering Seminar: " Risk Assessment and Modelling of Agochemicals in the EU ''

23rd April noon

Abelian Chern-Simons-Maxwell theory from a tight binding model of spinless fermions

24th April 4 p.m.

Adventures with OpenFOAM: turbulence, more turbulence (and some tidal turbines)

4 p.m.

Can Chemicals Think? Learning And Approximate Bayesian Inference In Simulated Reaction Systems

25th April 5 p.m.

Raspberry Pi: GPIO Workshop

26th April 4 p.m.

Modelling hydration in simple and complex systems with inhomogeneous fluid solvation theory

May 2013

1st May 2 p.m.

Whole System Modelling of V2G Power Network Control, Communications and Management

4 p.m.

Large-scale features of fully-developed turbulent pipe flow

7th May noon

Title to be confirmed

8th May 4 p.m.

Title to be confirmed

9th May 9:30 a.m.

3rd Next Generation Sequencing Symposium

10th May 1 p.m.

Precision Engineering for Mechatronic Imaging Systems

4 p.m.

'Computational Photochemistry in Action: Charges, Crossings and Control

14th May noon

Title to be confirmed

15th May 1 p.m.

Quantitative Biology Seminar Series

2 p.m.

Acoustic streaming in standing wave field and its effects on cell/particle manipulation

4 p.m.

AFM PGR Presentations

22nd May noon

SMMI/FSI Seminar: Insight through simulation, induction, and biomimicry

29th May 9 a.m.

Statistical Analysis for Post-Genomic Data: Parallel Computing with R @ EPCC

June 2013

3rd June 9 a.m.

Software Carpentry 'Boot Camp'

10 a.m.

Computational and Optical Approaches to Multidimensional Live Cell Imaging

4th June 2 p.m.

FEE OpenFOAM workshop

14th June 1 p.m.

Sensorimotor systems in insects and robots

19th June noon

Biological Sciences Postgraduate Symposium

July 2013

10th July 3 p.m.

Non-Destructive Assessment of Whole Lung and Tissue Samples via Multi Resolution Micro CT

17th July 9 a.m.

Advanced OpenMP @EPCC

22nd July 9 a.m.

CUDA Programming on NVIDIA GPUs

August 2013

16th August noon

Student Conference on Complexity Science

19th August 9 a.m.

CASTEP Workshop August 2013 - Oxford

27th August midnight

SeIUCCR e-infrastructure Summer School 2013

September 2013

1st September 9 a.m.

2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences

5th September 2 p.m.

Sound field control with a double-layer array of loudspeakers

9th September 9 a.m.

HPC Short Courses: Autumn Academy

16th September 9 a.m.

European Conference on Complex Systems

23rd September 9 a.m.

Workshop on HPC for Scientific Problems

25th September noon

Disease Ecology Meeting

26th September 4 p.m.

Opportunities and applications of high resolution X-ray computed tomography in life sciences

October 2013

2nd October 2 p.m.

XC30 Overview by Cray - video streamed LIVE

4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

9th October 1 p.m.

in situ synchrotron X-ray imaging with micromechanics

4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

15th October 4 p.m.

Crowd-induced lateral bridge vibration: Considering human-structure and human-human interaction

16th October 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

21st October 1:30 p.m.

The Flying Car: Making Dreams Come True

22nd October 4 p.m.

On the broadband response of aerospace composite structures

7 p.m.

Powering the Future

23rd October noon

Disease Ecology meeting

4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

24th October noon

Marine Technology from Lloyd’s Register's Perspective

29th October 4 p.m.

From Space station to clinic: complex neurological remote care

30th October 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

31st October 2 p.m.

Mathematical neurobiology of the inner ear and beyond

November 2013

5th November 10 a.m.

Second international Workshop on Validation of Computational Mechanics Models

4 p.m.

Progress in Uncertainty Quantification in Aeroelastic Systems

6th November 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

12th November 4 p.m.

An efficient model for calculating vibration in buildings on pile-foundations from underground railway trains

13th November 9 a.m.

NAG Debugging, Profiling and Optimising workshop

4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

4 p.m.

The complex challenge of achieving sustainable livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh

17th November 9 a.m.

SC13 Conference

19th November 4 p.m.

Vibro-acoustic energy distributions in complex structures at high frequencies

20th November 2 p.m.

Sliding mode observation and control for complex systems

4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

4 p.m.

Games, networks and climate change

4 p.m.

Cloud Computing for Research with Windows Azure – Webinar series (Part 1 of 3)

21st November 4 p.m.

Simulating Large Models: A Framework for Simulating a Regional Emergency Medical Service

26th November noon

Search space topology, algorithmic information theory and the emergence of modularity in biological evolution

4 p.m.

Tyre noise and vibration

27th November 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

4 p.m.

Visual route navigation in ants: a situated and embodied approach

December 2013

3rd December 9 a.m.

Conference on Scientific Computing

4 p.m.

Spatial hearing and the Acoustics Research Institute

4th December 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

4 p.m.

Cloud Computing for Research with Windows Azure – Webinar series (Part 2 of 3)

9th December 9 a.m.

Advanced Quantum ESPRESSO Developer Training

11th December 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

16th December 9 a.m.

UK Manycore Developer Conference

17th December 4 p.m.

Cloud Computing for Research with Windows Azure – Webinar series (Part 3 of 3)

January 2014

8th January 4 p.m.

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group

4 p.m.

Bubbles and a planet: the connection and why it matters”

15th January 11 a.m.

Simulation of Fan Broadband Noise

3 p.m.

Population-based microbial computing

17th January noon

Mathematical Modelling Workshop

1 p.m.

BIOENGINEERING SEMINAR, Lymphatic System Biomechanics and Pumping

21st January noon

Understanding Video and Audio at Google

23rd January 9 a.m.

Computational Medicine: advanced diagnosis and interventional planning

24th January 10 a.m.

A lucrative liaison between physics and linguistics

28th January 4 p.m.

Perceptually Optimised Sound Zones

29th January 4 p.m.

Attempting to model all life on earth - a proof of concept General Ecosystem Model

4 p.m.

The evolution of a simulation company’ – Entrepreneurial, Opportunistic, Lucky?

4 p.m.

Dissipation in Turbulent Flows

February 2014

4th February 4 p.m.

Asymptotic approximations for sound generated by aeroengines

5th February 4 p.m.

Spin models of critical phenomena in systems with multi-scale dynamics

4 p.m.

Multi-scale flow physics and modelling of marine turbine arrays

12th February 4 p.m.

Flow physics and control of the flow in a trapped vortex cell

14th February 1 p.m.

Modelling root vascular pattern

19th February 4 p.m.

Nonlinear thermoacoustics

26th February 3 p.m.

Technical Forum Webinar: Python for HPC

4 p.m.

Is the Earth alive? A planetary odyssey

4 p.m.

Biomimetics techniques for flow control

27th February 10:30 a.m.

Raspberry Jamboree

March 2014

5th March 4 p.m.

Towards understanding the structure of turbulence

10th March 9 a.m.

Workshop on Advanced Techniques for Scientific Programming and Management of Open Source Software Packages

12th March 12:30 p.m.

Free Mathematica event

4 p.m.

Epistatic constraints in evolution, theory and practice.

4 p.m.

A novel multiblock immersed boundary method enabling high order large eddy simulation of pathological and medical device hemodynamics

19th March 4 p.m.

Nonlinear model reduction and control of oscillator flows

26th March 9 a.m.

Software in reproducible research

9 a.m.

Collaborations Workshop (CW14) and hackday is "software in your reproducible research

4 p.m.

Turbulent drag reduction through rotating discs

31st March 10:45 a.m.

The 4th annual meeting of the Computational Modelling Group

2 p.m.

An Introduction to the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor

April 2014

11th April 9 a.m.

EMiT (Emerging Technology Conference)

30th April 4 p.m.

AFM PGR Presentations

May 2014

2nd May 10 a.m.

IPython: from interactive computing to computational narratives

6th May 5 p.m.

Raspberry Pi: GPIO & WiFi Workshop

7th May noon

Energy Technology Research Group Seminar: Modelling Technology Learning in a Multi-Region Global TIMES Model

4 p.m.

Wind tunnel simulations of stable and unstable wind flows and the effects on wind turbine loads and wakes

8th May 9 a.m.

Software Carpentry

12th May 9 a.m.

2nd International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL)

14th May 3 p.m.

Dynamic Networks in Biological and Financial Markets

4 p.m.

Extracting coherent structures from turbulent flows

16th May 2:30 p.m.

Modelling complex self assembly: the bad news is the good news

23rd May 8:45 a.m.

4th Annual Next-gen Sequencing Conference

27th May 9:30 a.m.

Programming the Intel(R) Xeon Phi Coprocessor

28th May 12:30 p.m.

A common acoustic energy flow metric for spatial audio and the boundary element method

3 p.m.

ARCHER Technical Forum Webinar

June 2014

4th June 9 a.m.

Programming the Xeon Phi

1 p.m.

PyGBe: an electrostatics solver for biophysics using Python and GPUs

2 p.m.

High Biomechanics of the neuromusculoskeletal system

10th June noon

Drug prospecting in flatlands: why and how may protein-protein interactions be targeted?

16th June 9 a.m.

Multiscale Computational Methods in Materials Modelling

9 a.m.

Tips and Tools for Scientific Research Success Workshop

July 2014

2nd July 4 p.m.

From Images to Information: biomedical image processing and its application to magnetic resonance imaging

9th July 3 p.m.

ARCHER Virtual Tutorial on Make and Compilation Issues

10th July 10:15 a.m.

Airflow distortion over merchant ships: problems and solutions

21st July 9 a.m.

ARCHER Software Carpentry boot camp and Introduction to Scientific Programming in Python

9 a.m.

Software Carpentry Boot Camp

August 2014

7th August 2 p.m.

GPU-Based Simulations of Fracture in Idealized Brick and Mortar Microstructures

15th August 10:30 a.m.

Lattice Boltzmann method and discrete-velocity kinetic theory

18th August 9 a.m.

Introduction to F95

20th August 9 a.m.

Introduction to OpenMP and MPI

27th August 9 a.m.


September 2014

1st September 9 a.m.

GPU Programming

2nd September 9 a.m.

Efficient Parrallel IO on ARCHER

3rd September 9 a.m.

Introduction to ARCHER

8th September 9 a.m.


10th September 5 p.m.

Simulation of microfluidic components of a LoC for food pathogen detection: A ?PCR device and a passive micromixer

15th September 9 a.m.

Autumn Academy for High Performance Computing

16th September 2 p.m.

Python Programming Primer

24th September 4 p.m.

CS4 Seminar Series - 'Molecules Designed for Chemical Network Memory and Non-Genetic Inheritance'

October 2014

2nd October 2 p.m.

Numerical Simulation of Coastal and Shelf Seas

6th October 1 p.m.

Practical simulation in an industrial setting

7th October 4 p.m.

Combustion noise prediction in modern aero-engines

9th October 2 p.m.

Search & Rescue Engineering: Design, Supply & Support in the Royal National Lifeboat Institution

13th October 1 p.m.

**Cancelled** [A brief insight into technology in Financial Markets]

15th October 3 p.m.


4 p.m.

Seeing Beneath the Surface: Using GPR in Geomorphology

16th October 2 p.m.

PLEXUS - Real time monitoring, control and analysis of events and data

22nd October 9 a.m.

Registration Open for Instructor Training in Norwich in October

27th October 1 p.m.

Hazard Assessment Simulation and Prediction

29th October 4 p.m.

A long-term vision for computational economics

30th October 2 p.m.

Sailing the turbulent seas around massive stars

November 2014

3rd November 1 p.m.

Is high-performance computing the salvation of turbulence research?

5th November 9 a.m.

Impact of Big Data on the Marine Industry

4 p.m.

Networks and synchronisation: mathematical modelling of socio-technical decision making systems

12th November 2 p.m.

Some random walks in space weather

13th November 2 p.m.

Unmanned aircraft systems and some applications to transport, science and maritime emergency response

16th November 9 a.m.

The Supercomputing Conference 2014 (SC14)

17th November 1 p.m.

Multi-scale models of magnetic granular materials for hard disk drive technologies

20th November 2 p.m.

Model reduction of large aeroelastic systems for loads control

24th November 1 p.m.

Computational modelling in industry

25th November midnight

Recent advances in the tribology and bioengineering of the skin

26th November 4 p.m.

Phase transitions in network growth: from street patterns to neural networks.

27th November 2 p.m.

Solving partial differential equations using the finite element method efficiently and productively with Firedrake and PyOP2

December 2014

1st December 1 p.m.

Multimode simulation of optical fibre amplifiers and fibre lasers

8th December 1 p.m.

Non-linear models for x-ray computed tomography reconstruction

11th December 9 a.m.

Roads to Success in Porous Media Research: A workshop for future research leaders in the UK

2 p.m.

Towards exascale computing in particle physics

15th December 9 a.m.

UK Many-Core Developer Conference 2014

16th December 9:30 a.m.

Hands-on Introduction to HPC with Archer

January 2015

5th January 9 a.m.

Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Climate: Linking Models to Data

1 p.m.

NGCM Seminar [postponed]

8th January 2 p.m.

Designing Turbine Blades in the Face of Uncertainty

February 2015

5th February 4 p.m.

Introduction to VirtualBox (and virtual machines in general)

9th February 6 p.m.

Theano Event - Collaborative Computational Modelling

12th February 2 p.m.

Predicting the performance of uncertain systems with application to vibro-acoustics and electromagnetics

25th February 4:15 p.m.

Direct numerical simulations in engine like geometries with focus on the unsteady wall heat transfer

26th February 4 p.m.

Introduction to Version Control and Mercurial

27th February midnight

Open call for UK/USA travel awards supporting HPC enabled research

March 2015

2nd March 11 a.m.

A brief insight into technology in Financial Markets

9th March 3 p.m.

Turbulence in CFD models, with applications in coastal engineering

11th March 4:15 p.m.

AFM PGR Presentations

12th March 4 p.m.

Text Editors Workshop

18th March 4:15 p.m.

Low order modelling of broadband combustion noise

19th March 4 p.m.

Introduction to Latex

23rd March 10 a.m.

Optimal Experimental Designs: Squeezing every ounce of information from an experiment

24th March 9 a.m.

Threaded Programming

25th March 9 a.m.

Software Sustainability Institute's Collaborations Workshop 2015 (CW15)

April 2015

14th April 9 a.m.

Message Passing Proogramming with MPI

16th April 7 p.m.

Southampton Code Dojo

20th April 9 a.m.

Python for Life Scientists

10 a.m.

Bayesian Analyses with JASP: A Fresh Way to do Statistics

21st April 9 a.m.

Exascale Applications and Software Conference


Research Study


Robust adaptive predictive modeling and data deluge

23rd April 4 p.m.

Virtualisation with Vagrant

30th April 2 p.m.

Understanding of Fluid Dynamic Problems: CFD, Model tests and full scale measurements

4 p.m.

FORTRAN programming language

May 2015

6th May 4:15 p.m.

Application of a generalized Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings equation with a buffer layer to flow simulations with vortical outflow

7th May 8:45 a.m.

NGS Symposium 2015

4 p.m.

Julia: The Language

11th May 2 p.m.

Introduction to the HDF5 file format

13th May noon

Mathematical and simulation modelling of malaria in Namibia

14th May 4 p.m.

Introduction to C++

22nd May noon

Free Lunch + Networking Event: Big Data, Internet of Things, Secure Tech

26th May 10 a.m.

Upcoming talk on computational modelling, sex, and "unsupervised learning of patterns ... through a simple and neurally plausible primitive."

June 2015

1st June 9 a.m.

Multiscale Modelling and Simulation

9 a.m.

CfP Extension ICCS-2015:International Conference on Computational Science

11 a.m.

Coastal Seminar: Numerical modelling on storm driven beach/dune evolution

18th June 10 a.m.

The 5th annual meeting of the Computational Modelling Group

21st June 9 a.m.

NGCM Summer Academy

July 2015

1st July 4 p.m.

Two Talks: Information, Mobility & Social Dynamics - Evolutionary Game Theory and Complex Networks

12th July 9 a.m.

CCP5 Summer School 2015 Methods in Molecular Simulations

22nd July 11 a.m.

Computational Science at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

September 2015

23rd September 3 p.m.

ARCHER Webinar: Using OpenFOAM on ARCHER

29th September 11 a.m.

NGCM Seminar - Numerical simulation of coastal and shelf seas

October 2015

5th October 10 a.m.

Reproducibility in Satellite Imaging Research

12th October 10 a.m.

What has software engineering ever done for us simulators? Some best-practice software engineering ideas applied to simulation and why they're so underused.

19th October 10 a.m.

Search & Rescue Engineering: Design, Supply & Support in the Royal National Lifeboat Institution

26th October 10 a.m.

PLEXUS - Real time monitoring, control and analysis of events and data

27th October 4 p.m.

The Julia language: what could it offer to Engineers and Educators

November 2015

2nd November 10 a.m.

Computational Modelling for Shipping - Opportunities and Challenges

3rd November 11 a.m.

Micromagnetic simulations in an experimental nano-magnetism lab: using simulation to interpret and guide experiments

10th November 2 p.m.

How to become rich, famous, and popular while using your programming skills to make the world a better place

13th November 9 a.m.

Young Life Scientists’ Symposium 2015 - Modelling approaches in molecular signalling

23rd November 10 a.m.

Simulation of Organic Photovoltaics

24th November 11 a.m.

NGCM Seminar: Ship Science research at MARIN

30th November 10 a.m.

Applications of Model Based Systems Engineering

December 2015

1st December 11 a.m.

Mapping population distributions and dynamics: WorldPop and Flowminder

2nd December 10 a.m.

Computational magnetics for sustainable development

7th December 10 a.m.

Is your research software correct?

8th December 11 a.m.

Atomistic modelling of industrial magnets

10th December 10 a.m.

Invited Lecture - Data Science, Drones, and Digital Humanitarianism

10 a.m.

Data Science, Drones, and Digital Humanitarianism

4 p.m.

Mining Real-World Networks: from Biology to Economics

11th December noon

Software Engineering for Computational Science

January 2016

12th January 9 a.m.

Prospects in Data Science - a multidisciplinary symposium

15th January 11 a.m.

Microstuctural models of ligament and tendon elasticity and viscoelasticity

28th January 2:30 p.m.

S3RI seminar: Beamforming Pursuit with MEG Neuroimaging Data

February 2016

4th February 3 p.m.

Introduction to Gettings Things Done (GTD)

10th February 11 a.m.

IBM's Internet of Things and Academic Initiative

19th February 11 a.m.

Applications of 3D printing technology in congenital heart disease: from planning to communication

22nd February 4 p.m.

An Introduction to Continuous Integration Services in Scientific Programming

23rd February 6 p.m.

Optimum design of experiments for copula models with applications

25th February 3 p.m.

Constructive Solid Geometry with OpenSCAD

29th February 4 p.m.

Computing with units

March 2016

3rd March 3 p.m.

Introduction to LaTeX and BibTeX

9th March 4 p.m.

Reduced-complexity modelling of morphological evolution over management scales: Formby to Fleetwood

10th March 3 p.m.

Presenting with Reveal.js

11th March 11 a.m.

Modelling Our World: Finding Optimal Experimental Design principles in children and adults' intuitions

14th March 9 a.m.


16th March 4 p.m.

Are we doomed or are we safe? Earth system analysis for sustainability

17th March 1 p.m.

An overview of selected projects in computational biomechanics: fluid-structure interaction for haemodynamics, and adaptive bone remodelling in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty

21st March 11 a.m.

Modelling evolution in biology, anthropology and social sciences

22nd March 9 a.m.

MPI Workshop

24th March 2 p.m.

Measuring and modelling: the gateway to the world of human movement

April 2016

6th April 9 a.m.

An Introduction to Open Source CFD Using OpenFOAM

12th April 9 a.m.

OpenMP workshop

13th April 12:30 p.m.

MENSUS USRG - Big Data workshop session

18th April 4 p.m.

Docker Workshop

19th April 1 p.m.

Acoustic Holograms to Shape Microfluidic Flows: Applications in Medical Diagnostics

21st April 3 p.m.

D3 Data-Driven Document

25th April 4 p.m.

Python Pandas workshop

26th April 2 p.m.

Towards the use of Lattice Boltzmann Method for full aircraft noise prediction

28th April 3 p.m.

Workshop: Metaprogramming in Python

May 2016

10th May 9 a.m.

7th UK Many-Core Developer Conference

3 p.m.

CS4/Mathematics of Networks Seminar

4 p.m.

The Julia language: what could it offer to Engineers and Educators?

11th May 2 p.m.

From Lithium Batteries to Perovskite Solar Cells: Atomic-Scale Insights into Energy Materials

13th May noon

Understanding nanoparticle interactions with cells and cell colonies

19th May 6 p.m.

Matplotlib 2.0

20th May 10 a.m.

In vitro Systems and Computational Models for Studying Cell-Matrix Interactions and Mechanobiology

27th May 1 p.m.

A new postgraduate landscape: Showcasing doctoral training at the University of Southampton

4 p.m.

Beginner Python Programming Workshop

4 p.m.

Object Orientation in Python Workshop

June 2016

1st June 2 p.m.

MSG Design of Experiments seminars

17th June 1 p.m.

The (Bio)-Engineering of Proteous: The Fantastic Voyage 2.0

20th June 9 a.m.

NGCM Summer Academy - Basics

21st June 9 a.m.

NGCM Summer Academy - Days 2 to 5

July 2016

5th July 6 p.m.

Writing Python to process millions of row of mobile data - in a weekend

7th July 2:30 p.m.

Simulating with Surfaces: Physics-based visual effects for fracture and fluids

11th July 8 a.m.

5-days Advanced Course on "The Role of Mechanics in the Study of Lipid Bilayers", coordinated by Prof. David Steigmann (UC Berkeley and University of Southampton), 11-15 July, 2016, Udine, ITALY

28th July 9:30 a.m.

Fortran Modernisation Workshop

August 2016

4th August 6 p.m.

Continuous Integration with CircleCI

September 2016

12th September 9 a.m.

Autumn Academy for High Performance Computing

15th September 9 a.m.

RSE Conference - Call for Participation

28th September 9 a.m.

Practical Software Development @ EPCC at RAL

29th September 9 a.m.

The Data Dialogue: When Research Crosses Borders

October 2016

3rd October 6 p.m.

Snakes on a Boat: Robotic sailing with Python

11th October 2 p.m.

Numerical Simulations of Coastal and Shelf Seas

12th October 4 p.m.

Complex systems analysis of multicellularity

20th October 11 a.m.

NGCM Seminar - Software Engineering, Enabling the Exa-Scale

24th October 10 a.m.

NGCM Seminar - Robust Design in Turbomachinery Blades

25th October 2 p.m.

NGCM seminar: An introduction to sensitivity analysis for computational models

31st October 10 a.m.

Multimode optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators

November 2016

1st November 2 p.m.

NGCM Seminar - Astronomical Hydrodynamics and Be/X-ray Binaries

14th November 10 a.m.

NGCM Seminar: Non-linear Tomographic Reconstruction

15th November 2 p.m.

NGCM Seminar: Optical Fibres - Applications and Simulation Challenges

21st November 10 a.m.

NGCM Seminar - Applications of Computational Modelling in Acoustics and Vibration

22nd November 2 p.m.

Lightweight verification for computational science models

6 p.m.

Statistics: a data science for the 21st century

28th November 10 a.m.

NGCM Seminar - How Research Software Engineers will save research

29th November 2 p.m.

NGCM Seminar: Why Julia?

December 2016

5th December 10 a.m.

Space Debris Modelling: Past, Present and Future

March 2017

2nd March 10 a.m.

An unconference about collaborative tools

6 p.m.

Superfast Python - how to accelerate Python for your research

6th March 9 a.m.

Introduction to Emacs

13th March 9 a.m.

Jupyter Notebook tools workshop

16th March 9 a.m.

Introducing LaTeX with LyX

20th March 9 a.m.

Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL

23rd March 9 a.m.

Imperative vs. Declarative Programming

29th March 9 a.m.

OpenMP course

31st March 9:30 a.m.

The 6th annual meeting of the Computational Modelling Group

April 2017

12th April 3 p.m.

Compilation and the mysticism of Make

19th April 9 a.m.

MPI Three-Day course

24th April 9 a.m.

Introduction to Machine Learning in Python

27th April 9 a.m.

Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services

May 2017

3rd May 6 p.m.

Detect clickbait with machine learning

8th May 9 a.m.

Programming with Docker (Containers)

2 p.m.

Dassault Systèmes state-of-the-art engineering design and simulation technologies

15th May 9 a.m.

D3.js Data Visualisation - General Election Map

24th May 11 a.m.

Report from ICSE2016 software engineering conference

25th May 3 p.m.

Towards billion atom simulations of magnetic materials on ARCHER

June 2017

26th June midnight

NGCM Summer Academy

27th June 10 a.m.

Pandas course

10 a.m.

Jupyter & IPython course

10 a.m.

Intel Knights Landing

29th June 10 a.m.

VTK Mayavi

10 a.m.

Scikit Learn

10 a.m.

GPU Programming With CUDA

September 2017

14th September midnight

The MMM Hub: Accelerating Materials and Molecular Modelling

October 2017

5th October 6 p.m.

Sustainable Scientific Software Development

November 2017

8th November 10 a.m.


29th November 6 p.m.

Python testing with pytest: motivation, demonstration, and practices

February 2018

28th February 6 p.m.

Visualising data interactively

March 2018

6th March 3 p.m.

Processing Language Introduction

12th March 9 a.m.

R programming workshop

13th March 3 p.m.

Introduction to OpenCV

20th March 9 a.m.

OpenMP course delivered by EPCC

April 2018

11th April 9 a.m.

MPI course delivered by EPCC

16th April 9 a.m.

PyTorch: Neural Networks in Python

18th April 12:30 p.m.

Improving Research Workflows by Enabling High-speed Data Transfers.

30th April 9 a.m.

NoSQL: An Overview of SQL's Counterpart

May 2018

1st May 3 p.m.

AMReX: An introduction to Adaptive Mesh Refinement

November 2018

27th November 10 a.m.

The 7th annual meeting of the Computational Modelling Group

April 2019

2nd April 9 a.m.

Archer - OpenMP Workshop

9 a.m.

Archer - OpenMP Workshop

May 2019

22nd May 12:45 p.m.

Southampton Bi-Omics Conference

July 2019

17th July 11 a.m.

Research Software Community - Lunch Event

January 2022

19th January 1 p.m.

Unravelling the interplay of structural and material properties of skin using mechanistic modelling

February 2022

23rd February 1 p.m.

Building a computational engine to guide the autonomous discovery of molecular materials

May 2022

18th May 1 p.m.

From Research in Computational Modelling to Industry

July 2022

20th July 11 a.m.

Using GPUs for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

December 2022

14th December 3 p.m.

Reproducibility, Jupyter notebooks and associated research software engineering